food First Chili Cookoff

Today I will be entering my chili in a competition for the first time. It will be the first annual Catholic War Vets Chili Cookoff in Columbia, PA. There are three categories, Best Overall Red, Best Hot, and Original. Now this is not C.A.S.I. and please don't turn my thread into a beans or no beans debate. I am still debating which category would be best for my chili. Either overall red, or hot. I am afraid it is in between the two. It may be too hot for the overall, and possibly not hot enough for the hot. I think I am going to call it JayT's 13 Pepper Chili. Here are some pics and an ingredient list:


Ground Chuck
Smoked Sausage
Sirloin Steak


Sweet Onion
Red Bell Pepper
Diced Tomato
Tomato Paste
Tomato Puree
Beans: Chili, Black, Pinto, and Cannellini


Guiness Stout
Beef Broth
Worcestershire Sauce
Assorted Chili Powders including De Arbol, Chipotle, Ancho, Cayenne, Mombasa
Black Pepper
White Pepper
Sea Salt
Fatalii Puree
Scorpion Puree
Ghost Pepper Sauce
Liquid Hickory Smoke
Cocoa Powder
Brown Sugar
and I am sure some other stuff I am forgetting. Sorry but no measurements were taken in the formation of this masterpiece. After simmering for about 12 hours, it left me about 7 quarts.



Keep your fingers crossed for me today.
I don't know if those pics do it justice. There's a lot of meat in there that you can't see and the actual color is a deeper red. Those pics make it look a little orange to me. It may not be AJ's Red, but I have been making it or a variation of it for years and everyone loves it.
Good luck! I've been meaning to enter one too. Hopefully soon.

You have some really good color, and it looks like a good consistency. Chili can often look unappetizing and brown, but you've managed to get that reddish/orange look. Congrats.
If it taste anyhing like it looks, you've got a winner. Congrats on a nice flavor combo in your chili. It's all good my friend.
Wheebz was a bit disappointed that there was none left (he didn't show up yesterday, damn drunk), but it was a WINNER! I got 27 first place votes in the Hot category. Second had 6. I won some cash and a trophy. I also qualified for the regional cookoff this summer which I think has a $1000 first place. All in all, we all had a good time and ate A LOT of chili and drank some beers. Oh and the Steeler's win for dessert was nice too! Thanks to all who commented.
Way to go JayT, even though you won the cash weebz needs to buy. Congratulations :cheers: :cheers:

I'll bet the chili was exquisite, but I must say the desert sucked.
ive had his chili before, i didnt realize this was the same chili he brought me last time

its pretty good

on a 1 to 10 scale, ide give it like a 6, MAYBE a 7

of course MY chili is a 12, but its hard to copy perfection
6 or 7??? How come you ate the whole bowl without a spoon and had a puddle of drool under your feat when you realized there was no more?
Cool man! First chili cookoff, and you win. Next! Keep doing them.