food First Chili Cookoff

Now, now, SL..... you know the PA Posse believes they are impervious to nasties..... :rofl:

It's all that limestone our water flows through underground tainted with runoff from Three Mile Island. Nasties have to work harder to get us. lol

No. The heat will kill the bacteria, but not the toxins they have produced. That's what will make you sick.
"Bacillus cereus
B. cereus can form heat resistant spores and a heat resistant toxin. If cooked food is
allowed to cool slowly the spores can germinate. If growth occurs then the toxin can
form under certain conditions. Reheating or lightly cooking the food will not destroy
this toxin."

Good to know. +1
It's all that limestone our water flows through underground tainted with runoff from Three Mile Island. Nasties have to work harder to get us. lol

Don't forget all the booze we drink! I know I may be understating this, but c'mon people. Seriously, I did not let this sit out for eight hours in 100F weather. I put it in a 28F garage for 6 hours and then brought it back to simmer. As of this hour no one has gotten sick to my knowledge. How do major food producers chill their food when it is in 55gal pots? 1000 2in pans? I would have to think that air would be required to cause the bacteria to get to work, and air is not in the middle of the pot so the outside that is cooled immediately would be safe. Maybe I am not an expert on this, but I am not paranoid and have survived so far.
I think there's some good tips here for food safety and food cooling. Good to know. But let's not forget JayT won 1st, in his first ever comp. That's the bigger deal in this thread.
Not trying to take anything away from your win Jay. The method you used for cooling is spot on :)

Hmmmm, I think I know what i am having for dinner. Is there a standard for chili, or is it chuck anything in the pot kinda deal?
Oh yeah, and here's the dumb little trophy Geeme. It says hottest, but the category was changed to Best Hot Chili before the contest (but after the trophy was engraved).

That's cool man! I'd ask them if you could get a new engraving, Best Hot is much better than Hottest, or take it to your local trophy shop. Congrats again.
looks like it's sitting on a glass-top stove, you can see the outline of the burner circles.
It is smaller than a smurf, and they are three apples high. THP, when they announced that one of the categories was hottest, I protested, saying that anyone could make the hottest simply by dumping a bottle of extract sauce in their chili, so it was renamed.