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First ever grow attempt - tips would be appreciated.

Hi guys,

This is my first ever attempt at growing chili "or anything" from seed so figured i would make a Grow Log so people can give me any tips if they notice things about the plants i wont know about. my seeds have been sowed about 3 weeks ago for the capsicum & spring onion you will see in the background, just over 2 weeks for the morugas and various times over the last week for the other varieties "the newer ones have dates on the labels". i apologize about the quality of the pictures i could not find my camera so had to use my phone. hopefully moving forward will be able to find my camera and give nicer update pictures. any feedback would be much appreciated


Hard to see but one of the black pearls has sprouted "each jiffy has 2 seeds - except bhut jolokia"


Some of the seedlings in my light box, all except capsicum spring onion and moruga only placed in this morning.


The rest of my seedlings in the light box.

there is a few more waiting to seed but no point showing you jiffy pellets with nothing sticking out.

the only questions i have at this stage is about the seedlings in my light box which appear to be growing seed up as seen in the 2 moruga cups. is this normal and will fix itself?

Thanks for reading will try for weekly updates or if anything exciting happens before hand i guess.

would also like to add my grow box is usually much brighter but i had to pull the light out to take the picture.
Hi kgage!
I'm on my first grow from seed too, so i'm pretty new to this as well :)

Reference the moruga growing "seed up" do you mean that the helmet is still on the seed?
If so, maybe spray with a bit of water to keep moist, and it should right itself....or, i've had success gently squeezing the sides and pulling upwards (gently)..but i'm an impatient sod...lol
Maybe try the water thing first if in doubt :)

How far away are your lights from the plants, as some of them look a bit 'leggy' to me...ie, pretty tall, as they are wanting to get closer to the light source.
My lights are about 2-3" from the plants..

Like i say, i'm really new to this too, so if i'm wrong about any of this, someone else please feel free to chime in and correct me :)

All the best for your growing season!

Oh, and whereabouts in Aus?
Hey Nee,

light is higher than 2-3" so might try that although i was worried about heat from the bulb... and they seemed to be quite tall from the get go... the big jims and jalapenos in those pictures were completely under the surface lvl only a day or 2 ago so not sure... im on the gold coast in QLD but ive only been here for about a year... before that was in geelong myself.
I was worried about the lights producing too much heat too, and another Aus member (Mezo) steered me onto one of these...

I've found it mega handy, and at less than $4 inc postage it's a steal! I placed it under my lights initially, to make sure the temps weren't getting too high.....and nowadays i use it in my propogator, which i have sat on top of my flouro lights for heat, and not only does it give me the temp (which i try to keep around 30) but as it shows humidity too, i can monitor when the jiffy bags need a bit more water.

Oh, and are you using fluorescent tubes, or standard "globes"?
**edit** Sorry, just spotted your "hello" thread in the welcome section....using globes i see**

Crazy that you lived in Geelong too! Small world :) We're just outside of Geelong, in Lara...
its a power saving bulb... so not quite a fluorescent tube... but not quite a standard globe... i might have a look at one of those thermo's propagator should be plenty warm enough as its electric so basically has its own built in heat mat... the power saving bulb i am using doesnt put out to much heat "little enough i feel safe leaving it on inside a tin foil lined cardboard box while im at work all day" but was still concerned... i had thought mine looked to long as vids ive watched didnt appear to stick up like that but i figured when i re pot "cup" them i could always just dig it in a little deeper. either way i went and lowered my bulb a bit so will see how it goes i guess.
The thermo jobbie Nee linked is not the one you want, you need the one with the little probe on the end of it.

Your using a CFL (compact fluro lamp) im guessing? and they don't get overly hot hot.

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The thermo jobbie Nee linked is not the one you want, you need the one with the little probe on the end of it.

Your using a CFL (compact fluro lamp) im guessing? and they don't get overly hot hot.


probably wont even bother with a thermo for now anyways as i dont really have any way to change the temp... as far as the bulb this is more or less what i am using

dont actualy have a heat mat. my propagator is electric so the bottom of it heats itself. could use a thermo like the one you posted but will have to wait a while as all my extra money is going towards my upcoming wedding... havent seemed to have much issue so far... although nothing from my rocoto or tabasco seeds yet. 3 of 4 black pearls and 1 of 4 peter peppers have broken the surface apart from that got 4 out of 4 for the big jims, jalapeno & numex twilights.

oh and i had 10 out of 12 moruga seeds sprout, and that was before i even had the heated propagator.
Grats on the Black Pearl, they grow like weeds. Mine went from 4" to loading up with pods in 2 months.


Although mine doesn't have black leaves, so I'm thinking it may be a cross. This is a good Plant to have for your first season, It grows fast and easy, and keeps you occupied while you are waiting for the slower Supers
as far as peter peppers... yes... it was 100% for the novelty... contemplated growing it in my front yard just to see if the neighbors say anything... could always try and cross them with big jims... could be interesting...

yeah i would daresay that black pearl is not quite a black pearl... mine has come out purple from the get go... can only imagine its going to intensify in color.
Looks like your start is doin just fine, keep up the pics and you won't have a shortage of advice...if you do ...just ASK!
Have a good one-
Just a quick update, most of my morugas and also my big jims and one of the black pearls are starting to get their true leaves. i have also transfered some of them into the larger cups, the new "clearly unoficial" jiffy pellets i bought from ebay i am not very happy with. first of all they were not the size i ordered, secondly they seem really bad quality and completely fall apart when trying to split it. i am hoping to make a new light box real soon with some proper lights. all depends how much money i have AKA how much i can talk the mrs into letting me spend. will post pics sometime this weekend of the plants progress... hopefully under a fancy new grow light...