• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

First ever grow attempt - tips would be appreciated.

Hi guys,

This is my first ever attempt at growing chili "or anything" from seed so figured i would make a Grow Log so people can give me any tips if they notice things about the plants i wont know about. my seeds have been sowed about 3 weeks ago for the capsicum & spring onion you will see in the background, just over 2 weeks for the morugas and various times over the last week for the other varieties "the newer ones have dates on the labels". i apologize about the quality of the pictures i could not find my camera so had to use my phone. hopefully moving forward will be able to find my camera and give nicer update pictures. any feedback would be much appreciated


Hard to see but one of the black pearls has sprouted "each jiffy has 2 seeds - except bhut jolokia"


Some of the seedlings in my light box, all except capsicum spring onion and moruga only placed in this morning.


The rest of my seedlings in the light box.

there is a few more waiting to seed but no point showing you jiffy pellets with nothing sticking out.

the only questions i have at this stage is about the seedlings in my light box which appear to be growing seed up as seen in the 2 moruga cups. is this normal and will fix itself?

Thanks for reading will try for weekly updates or if anything exciting happens before hand i guess.

would also like to add my grow box is usually much brighter but i had to pull the light out to take the picture.
been a little more productive with the grow box. put the extra rungs on for the light fitting and have put the reflective sides on, now just to put a back and a front on. used emergency blankets so can still see in from outside.


ok so i know its been a long time since posting but been incredibly busy with getting married, changing jobs and the baby on the way... but i took nees advice and changed soil. got a few pics to show off to.

here is plants the day i changed the soil

here are the plants today, small ones up the right i only changed soil a few days ago as i had some soil still left over.


and now a photo of my biggest moruga plant, first moruga pod & first habanero pod.


