First flower pods


eXtreme Business
My area got pretty fairly drenched by Isaac, so bad that most of the roads in my area are flooded and impassable, so I had to call in to work to let them know I wasn't gonna make it in.

It turned out to be serendipitous because just a moment ago, I noticed that I had nascent flower buds on my Butch T, Naga Morich, and Bhut Jolokia plants. I couldn't be more excited, because I was wondering just this weekend in fact when they would begin flowering since they've been growing almost non-stop since I potted them up in July
I have a Butch T that was planted in the very beginning of June (from seed). Today I found plenty of flowers! Man, I started late but pretty excited about them. Good luck out there with Issac. It's bright and sunny here in BC Canada.
Thanks guys :)

If you could send some sun down our way, Shandley, I'm sure the Florida crew on here would appreciate it ;) One thing I think works out in my favor is, since I've got all my plants permanently indoors, I should be looking forward to plenty of pods year-round!
Congrats. My Butch Ts are taking forever to flower too. Started from seed in May.

If I squint really hard at a portion of new growth I think I can see the beginnings of a single very tiny bud, but it's probably just wishful thinking.