First Garden


Have been here for awhile listening/learning.
This will be my first garden season and have included some peppers.

I would like to grow peppers for drying/roasting/smoking as seasonings and also make some salsas and hot sauces. A few are for cooking/stir fry.

Below is what I currently have in seeds. Based on my purposes, are there some additional varieties I should plant this year?

I will be starting my seeds in about a month, so I still have time to get additional varieties.

Sweet Crimson
Tabago Seasoning Pepper
Kung Pao Pepper
Anaheim Chili
Long Red Slim Pepper
Early Jalapeno
Sweet Banana Pepper

Thanks for the help!
You must ne excited with this being your first garden. You've got a nice list of seeds, It's hard to suggest any other seeds, without knowing how much space you'll have for planting. It's all good my friend.