pics First Harvest Pics

First time grower of anything.  2 4X4 raised beds, 7 pots, 47 plants.  Seeded in March.  Just pulled 24 pounds 4 ounces.  I will be busy canning and dehydrating tomorrow.  Many thanks to the patrons of this forum for support and education.  Second harvest coming shortly once the habs ripen.
Thanks, all.  Has been a lot of fun this year.
Phil - that big stack is Chile Verde - very similar to Anaheim.  I asked for tips over on the cooking forum for preserving all of these.  More prolific than I expected.  Almost 12 pounds of just chile verde.  I'm thinking I'll freeze most of what I don't use immediately or give away unless anyone has other ideas. 
holy cr@p! ... you are a true "firsttimer" :D
IIWY, I'd slice 2 lb of the chiles verdes, put some mustard seed in there, put some water and a lot of seasalt on them (till submerged) and (optionally) kickstart the ferment with some lacto ... then just let sit for 2-3 weeks ... nice flavors will develop 
if you do so, resist the urge to dump a ton of vinegar into it ... that is just ---- gross :D
You must be very proud! Great harvest for a veteran gardener let alone a first year gardener.
I second your "hats off" to all the pepper addicts on this site. I have learned a great deal from the  generous sharing of knowledge found here too.
I also produce Maple Syrup and there is a similar forum dedicated to the  Maple addicts. And the same thing holds true there too, amazing amounts of information shared regardless of your level of experience.
Thanks to all who share.
This is my first year growing any peppers hotter than orange habs and my plants are doing fantastic thanks to you guys. My harvest doesn't compare to you pros but I'll still share some pics as the season progresses. I just hope I don't run out of pepper growing weather before I get to harvest fully ripe pods!