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First Harvest

looks like it will be a rather warm salsa.... :lol: congrats..
Hey Josh if you put those Orange Habs in a sandwich with cream cheese I'm sure they'll taste like the dogs danglies, don't forget a bit of pickle and the tomatoes though.
rainbowberry said:
Hey Josh if you put those Orange Habs in a sandwich with cream cheese I'm sure they'll taste like the dogs danglies, don't forget a bit of pickle and the tomatoes though.
Hahaha yea definitely. The past 4 days I basically had 1 ripe hab a day so I have been putting them in or on my dinner. First was in wraps with chicken, rice, cheese, and vegies. Then I made chicken murphy, followed by Italian sausage sandwiches, and finally threw one on a pizza. It all tasted good. Certainly made the sweet sausage hot hahaha. On a side note, my mother asked if she could try a tiny piece of one. Being that I have eaten them deseeded and without the placenta; I warned her that even a small piece would probably be too hot for her. She responded, "Oh come on how hot can it really be." I couldn't help but smile when she spit it out and ran off to get milk.
915river said:
Congratulation on your first harvest hope you enjoj eating those pods
Hey thanks a lot. You guys on this forum have gotten me hooked. I can't stop thinking about what I am going to be growing next year. Definitely a great hobby I picked up.
talas said:
Those Orange Habs will make a salsa to remember Josh :)
Yea I am thinking about trying a recipe I found for a mango habanero type of salsa. I think mango is supposed to help cut the heat, but who knows. I guess I will find out soon enough.