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hot-sauce First Jason Hot Sauce

A friend sent me a link and said he ordered it.  I haven't tried it but will next time I am in Ohio where he lives.  Just wanted to share because I think it is cool.

Ari Lehman was the first actor to play Jason in the movie Friday the 13th.  Each bottle of his hot sauce is signed by him.  Hate to say it cause it makes me sound goofy, but even if I do not like the stuff will probably get around to buying a bottle cause it just seems cool.

Ari is a nice dude.  Met him at an event up here in CT.  Fans would ask him to choke them while they had their picture taken with him.  
Jeez... $25 for a bottle?  That seems a little steep.  It is kind of cool, but I don't think I will be buying any.
Husker, how do I get a job choking people for money?  Guy, on the right day I'd choke a person for free.

Westin, somewhere around here is the foot ball from the TV show Lex.  Comedy SF thing with lots of comedy.  Last season, they were on earth and the president kept the codes for the nukes in a foot ball that actually looks like a football.  I have that prop signed by the actor who played Prince.  Why?  Cause it is frigging cool.  Not clue what friend paid for it but imagine it was much more than a normal toy foot ball.  Why?  Cause it is cool.  Thinking that is why this hot sauce fetches twenty five bucks a bottle.  Cause it is cool.
Gemini Crow, my friend said that a percentage was going to charity.  When I googled it, I found the original Jason site.  It doesn't mention there the donation.  Willing to bet that like Westin, mention would encourage folk to buy a bottle.  Yep, bible says dont do it but when it makes more money for the charity I am thinking it is a good thing not blowing your own horn.

I've been wanting to try this for a while ... been talking to Ari ... have a whole lot of people here in Perth that want to get a bottle too ... just trying to organise a big order ... + merch ... he has some awesome merchandise and collectibles ... you can get a machete signed by him 8-) !!!!!!
ajdrew said:
Gemini Crow, my friend said that a percentage was going to charity.  When I googled it, I found the original Jason site.  It doesn't mention there the donation.  Willing to bet that like Westin, mention would encourage folk to buy a bottle.  Yep, bible says dont do it but when it makes more money for the charity I am thinking it is a good thing not blowing your own horn.

Ummm, http://geminicrow.com/products/first-jason-s-slasher-sauce
Gemini Crow, ummmmm  http://firstjason.com/hot_sauce/
I should have said the First Jason site, not Original Jason.  its the site for the punk band he started.  Looked at the link you gave.  The one above is where I saw it.  No mention of the charity and almost twice the price of what your link offers to sell it for.  Ha, I can tell my friend he paid too much even if the stuff is great.

Thinking this conversation and your link just won Westin over. 13 bucks and 13% goes to charity is much better than 25 bucks and no mention of charity.  But more than that, there is the cool factor because its 13.
BTW Guys, Gemini Crow also has this package deal where 100% of proceeds goes to Susan G Komen breast cancer foundation.
How is that for frigging wow?
ajdrew said:
Gemini Crow, ummmmm  http://firstjason.com/hot_sauce/
I should have said the First Jason site, not Original Jason.  its the site for the punk band he started.  Looked at the link you gave.  The one above is where I saw it.  No mention of the charity and almost twice the price of what your link offers to sell it for.  Ha, I can tell my friend he paid too much even if the stuff is great.

Thinking this conversation and your link just won Westin over. 13 bucks and 13% goes to charity is much better than 25 bucks and no mention of charity.  But more than that, there is the cool factor because its 13.
BTW Guys, Gemini Crow also has this package deal where 100% of proceeds goes to Susan G Komen breast cancer foundation.
How is that for frigging wow?
Figured that may be where the confusion lied.
I don't heavily promote the sauce outside of some of the conventions I do, as this is not one of my main sauces. Ari's job is being 'First Jason', so he will obviously sell for more and he does very very very well with the sauce. I try not to publicly compete with him. If people find my site or come to my table and see my price being cheaper, then they 'win'. :) Ari does work hand in hand with 'Scares That Care', and it is very possible that he does make donations at some point during the year. Some people announce their intentions and some people prefer to do it anonymously. I think it is a nice selling point on my behalf. Doesn't mean that Ari isn't donating either....food for thought...
As for the breast cancer hot sauce; every business I have ever started or ran, I tried to find a way to do something where I can make continuous contributions in memory of my mother who passed away back in 2001. Simple as that. :)
thanks for checking out the site and the two great causes!
Gemini Crow, right on.  Don't know the guy, but loved finding he supports critter rescue efforts.  Wildly turned on by business which tries to adhere to the philosophy that everyone benefits when community supports community.  Kind of a Jesus Freak in that I believe that with the Lord (love) in our hearts, we have no need for government (give unto Caesar) or Monsanto (turning the tables).  Now hearing All you Need is Love in my head... aaaaaaaaaagggggggggggg... prefer Man O War.