First Moruga Scorpion Pod.....

Hi there.  Just thought I would give you all a good laugh.  This was just picked.  My first Moruga Scorpion pod, well sort of.....  Is it alright to still eat it if is small?  Would the heat be the same as a regular pod?  Thanks, and now enjoy the picture.
Is that a true Moruga?  I mean, it's tiny, which is odd, but the skin seems really smooth and I thought most Morugas are bumpy.  Anyone know?
I cannot say much, other than the seeds came from a good source. I had to get them as my flea bay seeds did absolutely nothing!
We'll, down the hatch she will go on Friday evening. I will be away, but will let you all know how it goes, if I survive.....
      I found out last year that the saying "Dynamite comes in small packages",was never more true than when you eat hot peppers.
  Please,let us know how this pod was.
I just ate my 1st ripe reaper pod. It was a tiny little bugger just like your moruga. It was one hot little pod!
Looks like a baby T-Scorpion rather then a Moruga.
Last year i ended up with a freezer full of T-Scorps that i had bought under the name "Moruga"..  In the end i had to order some from the U.S.
Well, it is now gone. I cut it open Friday evening. Took a peek at the innerworkings of one of these. It was full of placenta, a slight creamy red color inside, as well as a bit of clear liquid formed on the top of the cut. Small, yes, but I was still a bit nervous. So, in my mouth I popped a half of it. Started chewing and it did have a nice kind of flavor, so I thought what the heck. I dropped the other half. Then it happened. The flavor subsided rather quickly, my tongue was on fire. Then my lips, face got red, eyes watering. About 10 minutes later I felt it creeping down my throat. But just before the throat thing, I thought it would be safe to have a sip or two, maybe three of beer.... And for about the first 10 minutes, I did a lot of pacing around my yard, salivatating. Was it worth it, hell yeah. Will I do it again, of course. Will I try a reaper? Count me in. If I grow it, I will at least try it once. But back to the topic at hand. I did enjoy the wee pod and flavor.
Thats just about identical to the pod I was getting on my plants earlier this year before they went outside. I did the same as you and ate the little bugger and was crying little bioch for about an Once moved outside I started getting these....also my first year and I can't wait to plan better for next year. Garden is going to triple.
Awesome looking pod there JayC. I am hoping for the rest of my pods to start soon. I'm running slowly out of time here.
  I learned my lesson earlier this year. My first ripe super hot was a tiny Bhut Orange Copenhagen. It was about the size of a dime. I think it was around the end of May. I thought what the heck and popped the whole thing in my mouth. It wasn't long before I realized a super hot is hot regardless of the size! The worst part is I knew better. I've been growing super hots for 3 years now. I guess our memory gets dull after a long cold winter.
This thread cracks me up since a year or two ago I had 4 small Morugas as my last peppers of the year before winter hit.  I figured "they're small... they'll equal 1 whole Moruga".  I put them all into a ground beef dish and cooked it.  The fact my eyes were screaming "daddy, no" as it cooked should've been my first warning.  I started eating it and knew I had made a mistake ... I started getting goosebumps on my skin and my scalp felt like it was blowing open.  For the first time in my life, I was scared after eating something.  I honestly thought about starting to dial 9-1-1.  But I decided to eat half the food and save the rest for the next day, so I could repeat the sequence.  Why?  Because I'm an idiot and it felt so bad, it felt good. ;)