Well, it is now gone. I cut it open Friday evening. Took a peek at the innerworkings of one of these. It was full of placenta, a slight creamy red color inside, as well as a bit of clear liquid formed on the top of the cut. Small, yes, but I was still a bit nervous. So, in my mouth I popped a half of it. Started chewing and it did have a nice kind of flavor, so I thought what the heck. I dropped the other half. Then it happened. The flavor subsided rather quickly, my tongue was on fire. Then my lips, face got red, eyes watering. About 10 minutes later I felt it creeping down my throat. But just before the throat thing, I thought it would be safe to have a sip or two, maybe three of beer.... And for about the first 10 minutes, I did a lot of pacing around my yard, salivatating. Was it worth it, hell yeah. Will I do it again, of course. Will I try a reaper? Count me in. If I grow it, I will at least try it once. But back to the topic at hand. I did enjoy the wee pod and flavor.