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first pod

this is my first year growing peppers and it has been a blast other then constantly thinking im doing some thing wrong. i have my first pod on a plant. now i have some questions. when do you know that the pepper is ready to get picked? and how hot is to hot for plants i have them in our sun room right now the temp is not to bad but will get pretty darn warm.

What kind of chile is it? Most chiles change color when they begin to ripen (depending on the chile). For example a ButchT pod should change from green to orange to red, red is ripe in this case. Congrats on your first pod btw!! I as well am very close to getting my first pod/s. How hot is to hot you ask. I would avoid temps over 95. But they still might produce at 95+ . IMO a good temp is 80-85F
thanks Joe its from seeds that i got from you. its either a 7pod or a trinidad scorpion. not knowing any better the first few seeds i planted i did not tag so its going to be a guessing game untill the pod ripens. thanks for the tempature mega hot i will keep an eye on the temp. to make aure they dont get cooked
thanks Joe its from seeds that i got from you. its either a 7pod or a trinidad scorpion. not knowing any better the first few seeds i planted i did not tag so its going to be a guessing game untill the pod ripens. thanks for the tempature mega hot i will keep an eye on the temp. to make aure they dont get cooked

i would think its a 7 pot given those are the two possiblities

thanks your friend Joe
is there any tricks to geting a plant to put out bigger peppers and how do i know when the pepper is ready to be picked
is there any tricks to geting a plant to put out bigger peppers and how do i know when the pepper is ready to be picked

Idk if there are tricks for bigger pods. Just keep your plants happy by feeding them a good bloom fert, bone meal and such. Over wintered plants and long generation plants should grow bigger pods. You can expect bigger pods if your growing outside with a good growing climate as well. Hope this helps. If there is a trick to bigger pods Id like to know it too lol. It also depends on the overall health and size of the plant too.
Once the pepper changes to its 'ripened' color, it should be fine to pick. For instance, my 'red cayenne' pods are all green right now, but once they turn red, they will be ready to pick.
i started the first few seeds on november the rest in december. will leave the plants in my sun room its been above 90 a few time the last two weeks the temp in the sun room usualy hits 85. i seen my first pod on one of my black pearl pepper plants the plant and the pepper look really cool.
Congrats! It looks like you are going a great job. I second the temp, around here we hit 100+ easily, but plants still pump out pods.

When to pick is part of the fun. As you get more peppers in, you will be picking a lot and learning which ones to pick at which time. Some ripen nicely after picking, some are great to ripen on the plant.

Even better is when the BBQ is smoking I tend to not be able to keep pods on plants. I start picking and tossing on the grill, fresh roasted peppers off the plants is one of my absolute favorite ways to eat them.