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**FIRST POST** - - - Yellowing Leaves

How certain are you that they are getting enough water or conversely that they are drying out enough between waterings? I go by the weight of the cups. Let them dry out very well until the cups are extremely light weight. They should almost feel like nothing is in them. Maybe the bottom cups are retaining too much water?
Suchen is right! Go by weight. It will be extremely light when needing water.
Also if you don't ph your nutes after mixing your fish emulsions with water, it will be extremely acidic.
Could it be a Calcium deficiency? Watering with a little Cal/Mag mixed in or some Epsom salts might help. Might take a week or so to notice....
I wait until my cups are super light. normally watering once per week. I haven't had my water analyzed, and I'm using straight tap water.
I haven't PH'd anything! (think I will go get a PH kit now)
Happy to report a huge turnaround. I fed them a regular application of FoxFarm's Grow Big. They greened up immediately! Must have been a nutrient defficiency all along. Thanks!