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First ripe Fatalis:

Naga Jolokia Addict said:
I too thought so. May be later on he will have larger pods.

Can people not read? It's only the 2nd sentence in the first post...surely the boredom didn't take hold by then. ;)
SeeYouJimmy said:
Can people not read? It's only the 2nd sentence in the first post...surely the boredom didn't take hold by then. ;)

people can read "SeeYouJimmy,but not NJA.
He has advanced cataract in one of his eyes and he has to look through only one good eye. Many things escape .
Did I hurt you? Sorry buddy.

Ok, two thoughts. Make that three. First, Nova you were piss drunk yesterday weren't you? Two, SeeyouJimmy, nice little pods you got there. How was the heat? I love Fataliis. And Three, MidTexan, any questions you have about climate and peppers etc, just check out AJ's grow logs. He is in Fort Worth and grew like 16 million peppers the last two years.
JayT said:
How was the heat? I love Fataliis.

The smaller one was nothing to write home about but the other I'd say was on par with an O-Hab. I'm sure when the larger pods ripen they'll be hotter so I'll defer judgement until I can eat one of them. They do taste similar yet better than the O-Habs though.
I take it you haven't eaten a mature one whole yet? They are hotter. Similar in the way they attack you, but hotter. I prefer the taste to the orange hab, but they are similar I suppose. Enjoy them. They make excellent powder by the way. And pickles, and vodka.
Not yet JT but soon. I intend to eat one of everything au natural, might not go a whole Jonah just yet, I'll leave such shananigans to you.
Nice pods.

I'm so looking forward to having some ripe ones soon.

Any plans for the fatalii pods or are you going to just eat them as is.

Those 2 are gone already and no others ripe yet. The small one went on a sandwich and the other was eaten straight up. I'm a bit scared at the moment.....3 yellow 7s are almost ripe...
Maybe I had a dud but I've eaten some yellow 7's before and I thought they had an easier burn than the fatalii. But I guess every pod you grow can be different hey.
I find that early pods don't usually measure up to their potential. I ate one of the Yellow7s today and I swear it was no hotter than a Jalapeno. Don't know much about the taste as I'm suffering a nasty cold so no taste buds. How can I have a cold on a 43 degree day, it's just not right. I was hoping the 7 would clear the sinuses out, but alas...