frutescens First ripe pods of Tabasco X ? plant

I have to plant supposed to be tabascos going. One of them set a few pods in early july which turned red during the weekend. The pods are dark green on the plant and though these are not many of the pods are rather crinkly. Tastewise I did not try eating one of them as my tolerence level is far too low but I tasted a small piece and it was nice, a little acidity and pepper flavor but otherwise clean heat. The pods also smell quite acidic when cut into and are really juicy and soft. For those unfamiliar with centimeters an inch is about 2,5 cm so that means that the big pod is around 1,5" This is how the pods look like:

And a unripe crinkly pod here:

Based on the fact that crinkly pods are uncommon in C.Frutenscens I'm thinking that the plant may be a Chinense X Frutescens cross. Any thoughts?
Hy Kuret.
I see this topic is from August last year, but, as I am really interested in C.chinense x C.frutescens crosses, I would like to ask you some additional questions to clarify the problem somehow. Maybe you have some other pictures or even offsprings of the hybrid plant. So will be useful to know some botanical traits of this particular plant.
How does look the flowers ?
--corolla colour - frutescens has usually greenish petals
--pedicel position - frutescens has usually upright position and chinense variously curved
--number of flowers per node - chinense has two or more and frutescens usually one, rarely two
Does the fruits have the distinct constriction between peduncle and calyx ? This is a strong character for chinense.
What flavour have the fruits ? Chinense have the specific fruity flavour.
I see in your pictures the pods pendent like in chinense but there are some frutescens varieties with similar fruit position.
If your plant is a F1 (first generation) chinense x frutescens hybrid, than in the second generation the characters will segregate, the offsprings having a mixture of the characters inherited from the original parents, in various combinations. I would really like to know if you saved seeds from this plants and planted some F2s, and how do they look. The segregation in F2 is the clearest indication of the hybridization and the possible genitors involved.
So, keep in touch.