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First Ripe Super Hot Pod of 2010

If he does this video, and gets his insides ripped apart, does that mean he can take a day off from work as a "sick day?" I mean, he'll be "sick"......

p.s. You know they made the popsicles a certain shape and length for a REASON, right? Just for us pepper eaters...

hrmm popsicles... :rofl: Im off already on friday and then have the next 4 days off lol, so I will have ample recovery time :D
Good luck WM. I cant wait to see this!! Your a brave man and if it turn out to be as hot as they claim. God Bless
I am having trouble embedding the code so here's a link to the unofficial timer. Man am I looking forward to this.

Wow what a fail haha I guess I should stop posting before I get a full cup of coffee down, sorry WM dont know what I was thinking.
Ive had five or six Scorpions. Man, they are no joke. They hit fast and hard. I still give the old reliable Bhut the crown as hottest I've tried, but only by a nose. And a 7's are the fastest heat. Like eating a lit cigarette.
lol so MW is doin one too? cool :D

added bonus looks like there maybe the possibility of ripe nagas as well, just got home from work and several nagas are half ripe already, I am trying to convince one of my friends to join me and atleast do a half of naga since he wont touch the scorp after reading what people have said about it lol
Somebody said it already but I got to say it again--be sure to eat something. Don't be doing this on an empty stomach. Oh and tell the wife when she finds you curled up in the fetal position on the floor next to the bed, sweating bullets and moaning in agony to not worry, it will pass soon. You might want to stick a roll of the good stuff in the freezer.If you have any 'roids they're doomed. Painful to have them burned off like this but it will soon be just a memory and you'll survive it.

Am I helping? You scared yet? Hope you don't mind me having some fun with you.
oh no I dont mind at all :D Im having fun with this too, however yes I am scared , just trying to keep myself pumped up about it, however something tells me theres nothing I can do to prepare for this, I just gotta man up and take it. :shocked:
and yeah definatley plan on doing this on a full stomach
Thanks WMojo. It's good to have a sense of humor. I will give you credit though. Few people in the world would do it.
okay click this link for the official count down.

okay click this link for the official count down.


almost perfect man... almost.... its the ButchT not the Tbutch strain :rofl: but we luv ya anyway man :D

I think Tbutch strain might be one for the more masculine females about....:shocked: j/k ... I kid, I kid lol
I hear that the first pods of the season are milder than the other ones. You want to hope that is the case! ;)
You are a much braver man then I, WM. Good luck with the pepper, looking forward to the video. Im growing my first two superhots this year, bhut and t-scorpion. My friend is going to be my test subject hahaha.
Do like homer simpson and drink hot candle wax beforehand to coat your mouth. Of course you might end up hallucinating and wandering the desert in search of your soul mate........ So it's win-win really.
lol good luck