seeds First seedling up but?

Greetings from Minnesota,
I am trying out the image upload but I also need advice.
This is the first pepper I have ever had sprout as this is my first time attempting starting from seed. (Carolina Reaper)
I'm not sure what it should look like but I'm guessing the rolled up leaves may be a clue to something along with the green algea/mold looking stuff on the top of the soil.
This is in a seed starting mix and after a couple of days under a t5 6500k 4 bulb grow light. 
The way I germinated was to set the tray on my hot tub and use the warmth from that to heat the soil.
My guess is to moist of soil and too much or too close with the light? Any and all advice is appreciated and I am heading back to more reading on this awesome forum!!!
I wouldn't add any water.  Where is the tray now and how close is it to your lights?  Any idea on temperature / humidity?  Gentle air circulation would help dry things up provided it is warm enough ...
Welcome btw!  Seedlings can be tough, stick with it!
NeedsWork said:
I wouldn't add any water.  Where is the tray now and how close is it to your lights?  Any idea on temperature / humidity?  Gentle air circulation would help dry things up provided it is warm enough ...
Welcome btw!  Seedlings can be tough, stick with it!
Tray is on the floor in my garage (concrete slab with radiant heat) and the light is positioned directly above about 2 inches.
Garage temp is right at 68 and humidity is in the low 60% range according to a 3 dollar gauge. I have access to a heat mat from a neighbor if needed and I have turned my ceiling fans on to help circulate the air. I could also place a box fan or something closer to the tray if that would help.
Thanks for the quick reply
lostfido said:
... I have turned my ceiling fans on to help circulate the air. I could also place a box fan or something closer to the tray if that would help.
Small changes.  See if the ceiling fan helps things over the next 24 - 48 hours.  A box fan could put additional stress on the plant if it is too close.
68F ambient in the garage is likely warmer 2" under the lights.  Raising the lights an inch or so would help with airflow and wouldn't hurt the plant.   Are the lights on 24/7?
Lights are on 16 and off 8
NeedsWork said:
Small changes.  See if the ceiling fan helps things over the next 24 - 48 hours.  A box fan could put additional stress on the plant if it is too close.
68F ambient in the garage is likely warmer 2" under the lights.  Raising the lights an inch or so would help with airflow and wouldn't hurt the plant.   Are the lights on 24/7?
OK, ceiling fans on medium high and I raised the light to 3 inches to give that a whirl
SvtCobra said:
Excess Moisture for sure.
Will the algea/mold dry up on its own or is there something more I need to do?
Thanks for all the replys------you guys are great
lostfido said:
Will the algea/mold dry up on its own or is there something more I need to do?
It should as things dry up.  If it doesn't, misting with a weak hydrogen peroxide solution next watering will knock it out.  
I vote for do nothing except get a little air flow(which sounds like you have).  If you start jacking with it, you will more than likely kill it.  As was said these things are pretty hardy until you start messing with them and thats when they die.  Ive moved a few from my seed starter into solo cups that I didnt think would survive, but they have ended up being fine, although a little slower growing.
The green algae, I wouldnt worry about personally.  The hydro seed starter my old room mate had would turn the tops of the little rock wool cubes green with algae, but it didnt affect them at all from what I could tell.
lostfido said:
Lights are on 16 and off 8
OK, ceiling fans on medium high and I raised the light to 3 inches to give that a whirl
Will the algea/mold dry up on its own or is there something more I need to do?
Thanks for all the replys------you guys are great
Just let them dry out completely. Its your best bet.