cloning first shot at cloning! Writeup is up!

Nice to see other people are having success with them.

Here's a small update on the clone bucket.


Day 1. 6/15/2013


Now in about 1 month. 7/20/2013.




, Walter
is there any way to save a cutting i took off a cayenne and one off an ornamental i put in seedstarting mix with msuhroom compost they idnt shrivel up n die but they arnt looking like they are taking root  all i did was cut it clean stick it in water for about 10 minutes while i got the cup ready with soil stuck em in packed it down watered it and one of em i put in a plastic grocery bag to make humidity but made no difference trying to save a big top i cut (broke)
Threehundredc said:
is there any way to save a cutting i took off a cayenne and one off an ornamental i put in seedstarting mix with msuhroom compost they idnt shrivel up n die but they arnt looking like they are taking root  all i did was cut it clean stick it in water for about 10 minutes while i got the cup ready with soil stuck em in packed it down watered it and one of em i put in a plastic grocery bag to make humidity but made no difference trying to save a big top i cut (broke)
The main thing you need is high humidity around where you made the cut. Idk about putting a dome or a bag to keep humidity on the cutting.

When you clone in a medium I usually takes longer, I'm not sure why. Maybe someone here knows. This the first time I do something like this. From what I've heard it's the fastest way to root a cutting and I agree.

Here's how it looks as of today.





, Walter
yea those things looks pretty easy to use and get good rooting ,

i saw the put a white trash bag over it on a youtube video but i think in Florida its pretty humid already
Ya got yeself a business model there.
Seems to cost you maybe 25-35 bucks.
Put yer own logo and sell for 75 (plus shipping).
Hell, I go to Vegas on a whim and would prolly drive there and pick one or 2 up. :party:
Wow this really cool and would be great for winter starters too. Great job they all seem very happy 
Thanks LD!
Threehundredc said:
yea those things looks pretty easy to use and get good rooting ,

i saw the put a white trash bag over it on a youtube video but i think in Florida its pretty humid already
I don't use a dome or anything, the gasket lid along with the neoprene inserts hold pretty much the humidity you need.
Gotrox said:
Ya got yeself a business model there.
Seems to cost you maybe 25-35 bucks.
Put yer own logo and sell for 75 (plus shipping).
Hell, I go to Vegas on a whim and would prolly drive there and pick one or 2 up. :party:
Thanks man! Yeah that would be something. That's around how much I spent. Lmk when you come to Vegas we can work something out, bring your Aerogarden :D. J/k. Seriously lmk when you come and I can make you a couple and you can offer me anything that sounds fair.

I had to post this pic, the top pic where the 2 closed blooms was this morning and right now this.


Thanks to all for the kind words!

, Walter
Maybe in the fall when I have some peppers to munch.
Cooler weather has them busting flowers after a dismal summer.
A few members in Vegas, at least 1 in Henderson, 2 chileheads up here, and I am sure some southern CA. members show up in Vegas on occasion.
Sounds like a pepper party to me. :fireball:
Gotrox said:
Maybe in the fall when I have some peppers to munch.
Cooler weather has them busting flowers after a dismal summer.
A few members in Vegas, at least 1 in Henderson, 2 chileheads up here, and I am sure some southern CA. members show up in Vegas on occasion.
Sounds like a pepper party to me. :fireball:

Pepper-Guru said:
You got it. 
That would be fun.

On Halloween would be cool, I can see a group of us walking with a bag of candy(peppers) around Fremont street or the strip.

Idk about you guys but I like to take on a couple if Guinness beer or Mexican beer and just enjoy myself messing with people since it's Halloween and nobody really cares. A lot of people wear insane costumes and some look very professional like last year I saw Jack (pirates of the Caribbean), Elvis, alice in wonderland and tons of other freaks lol.

It's alright tho, but you guys decide when to come just lmk.

, Walter
Mmmmm, Guinness---that's some real beer.
We'll hang out in front of Fitzgeralds and get it on tap.
Have to wear costumes so nobody can identify us after. :shh:
Man, thanks for this! I dread germinating seeds and then the problematic early growing(only 3 out of 30something seeds made it, damn). I have everything in my garage already, I'm just going to clone my best plants from now on!!!
Beerswimmer said:
Man, thanks for this! I dread germinating seeds and then the problematic early growing(only 3 out of 30something seeds made it, damn). I have everything in my garage already, I'm just going to clone my best plants from now on!!!
No prob, it all started as an experiment. Now it's something I can rely on.

That was my plan. I wanted to root cuttings from the plants that I like. I live in a apartment and I have limited space. I can also take seeding in soil a pop it in, and you olny have to root wash em good and while your at trim the weakest roots. When you put it in the bucket you'll start seing new shoots of root.

Once the roots start growing you can either transplant them to new/better soil or you can put em in a hydro rig/setup.





Roots before:


Roots now:


Multi purpose :D.

, Walter
Capsicum Select said:
Walter, glad to see how well the cloner is working! Definitely a must to make for OW clones to save on space.
Thanks! I had fun. Now I don't have OW, but I do have some plants going and I'm about to fire it up again to do some bubblegum and MoA clones. So I can have a few ready in soil for 2014. Thanks for stopping by, I'll update this again when I make progress.

Have you had any pump issues with noise or what not? I made a cloning system when you switch the pump on its fine but once the tubes are full of water and the pressure builds up the pump gets noisy. I feel the backpressure is putting alot of load on the impeller and shaft.
My pump is 1700LPH unit, and I am using 10 jets.
Sarge said:
Have you had any pump issues with noise or what not? I made a cloning system when you switch the pump on its fine but once the tubes are full of water and the pressure builds up the pump gets noisy. I feel the backpressure is putting alot of load on the impeller and shaft.
My pump is 1700LPH unit, and I am using 10 jets.
That's quite a big pump, I wouldn't be able to know since my pump is a like a 130 or 150 gph. I had mine on 24/7 with no problems or big noise and I only use one sprayer/micro sprinkler.

I don't really think you need a big pump unless you have big piping or large setup.

Yeah the problem was I was originally set out to build a dutch bucket system, somehow I ended up with an aerponic system.
Oh well, off to the hardware store!