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First Sprouts

Welp...I looked at my seed germination trays tonight and to my surprise I already had two seedlings sprouted! One was a Bhut Jolokia and the other was a Carribean Red Savina. I am a proud parent ;)

It has only been eight days so I wasn't really expecting anything that fast. So...now I need to know: do I start the plants on lights and leave the plastic dome cover off of the trays or do I leave the humidity domes on and turn the lights on over them?

One more thing...where do people get their 7 pot seeds from? I was interested in trying some of those as well. Thanks for all your help in advance!
I would put them under lights immediately. They can get leggy real quick. If you are using the jiffy pellets or something that is not connected or is easily moved, I would move the new plants under the lights and leave the dome on the others. If you are using a plastic tray where you can not move the plants, it is better to remove the dome. The dome will interfere with the lights, so it is better to remove it. The plants will still sprout with the dome off, but you have to keep an eye on the moisture to make sure they do not dry out.

Yeah I was having troubles with the light refraction through domes so I quit using them. I just started misting the ones that looked a little dry on a daily basis, no problems, everything sprouted fine. :D Sometimes the superhots will fire quickly and surprise you and sometimes they take forever.
It was kind of funny actually. I went into work and was telling everyone that I was a proud parent...People nearly got whiplash turning their heads in surprise until I explained that my peppers began to sprout. It was really exciting to me as I haven't ever attempted anything like this before.
I will admit that it's kind of addicting and a wee bit more expensive than I had anticipated. I had only planned on planting a few plants. Well, the trays come with 72 sections so...I HAD to fill them up...and ya know...I NEEDED more than a couple different varieties, which translates into more trays...just in case some didn't germinate! ;) I have stopped myself at three 72 count trays and a few live plants that will be delivered at the end of April. :)
Maligator said:
It was kind of funny actually. I went into work and was telling everyone that I was a proud parent...People nearly got whiplash turning their heads in surprise until I explained that my peppers began to sprout. It was really exciting to me as I haven't ever attempted anything like this before.
I will admit that it's kind of addicting and a wee bit more expensive than I had anticipated. I had only planned on planting a few plants. Well, the trays come with 72 sections so...I HAD to fill them up...and ya know...I NEEDED more than a couple different varieties, which translates into more trays...just in case some didn't germinate! ;) I have stopped myself at three 72 count trays and a few live plants that will be delivered at the end of April. :)

Hehe, you've definitely been bitten by the bug. :lol:

Good luck.
I had my first sprouts within a few days too! I never used the dome though. I just put the whole tray directly under the light and mist the soil once in the morning and once at night.
Well, today I learned that you should never trust the look of the soil on top. It looked moist enough but was really dry under the surface. I suppose the dome was allowing the condensation to drop back down on the top but not penetrate deeper into the soil. I pulled out my handy dandy soil moisture reader and said: "DOH". So now the dome is off anyway due to the new lights being emplaced. Gonna keep a closer eye on the moisture content from now on. Newbie mistake I guess, but...being a newbie, I don't feel so bad as I caught it in time ;)