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First superhot pod of 2012

I have moved some of my overwinters outside of the greenhouse while we have some great weather. I figured the pods would ripen faster outside and they could use the fresh air. I came home and found a bhut pod on the ground! :banghead: Must have been the rabbits or squirrels who all woke up a month early and can't find anything else to eat. Of course there was a little nibble off the tip of the pod.

I took the pod inside and decided I need to make sure that the rodent got what he deserved! I took a quarter inch chunk off the top of the pod, popped it in my mouth, and it just about KILLED me! After having so many pods last year that were not as hot as they should have been, I did not expect to get a face melter in March! This has to be the hottest bhut I have ever eaten, burn lasted for 45 minutes, face went numb.

I am wondering if the plants being under constant attack by aphids, fungus gnats and thrips caused the crazy heat or if the sweltering hot temperatures in the greenhouse the last few weeks caused it? I haven't been depriving them of water or nutes since they are my seed stock plants anyway.
So the first FULLY ripe pod of the year went to my coworker who grew up in Nagaland. I was very surprised to see his face melt right off! He confirmed that the pods coming out of the greenhouse are especially hot. He only got halfway through a small-ish bhut before running to the break room for a glass of milk. The greenhouse is already money well spent!