First time and late

Hi Masters of chilis

Im new in this chilis world and I know Im late but I want to try and learn some tips for the next year will be better

I'm using an Ikea Lack table that had no use in my home with Grolux 18w tube and heat propagator sankey growarm 300, as you can see in the picture, ugly but cheap.

I planted 5 different types of chilis, my questions are:

1. When they start to germinate is required take out the propagator to a pot?

2. When is the best time to take out the propagator?

3. Any advice seeing the type of installation that I have?

thanks very much...
First off, welcome to the THP.
IMO, no reason to take them out of their once they germinate. Might wanna keep an eye on the heat however.
Once they get some true leaves, pot them up and watch them grow.
Exciting isnt it?!! i still have trouble if i get a few seeds in early or mid season as i like to give em a go. its a bit like the saying money burning a hole in your pocket.
:dance: Good Luck man! :dance:
First off, welcome to the THP.
IMO, no reason to take them out of their once they germinate. Might wanna keep an eye on the heat however.
Once they get some true leaves, pot them up and watch them grow.


I might turn off the propagator when they germinate?

Ok, but if some germinate faster than others what can I do to continue to grow and the others continue germinating, I must take the cover off or open the propagator windows?

Exciting isnt it?!! i still have trouble if i get a few seeds in early or mid season as i like to give em a go. its a bit like the saying money burning a hole in your pocket.
:dance: Good Luck man! :dance:

yes, is pretty exciting , I hope to be lucky, summer here is quite long until November not too cold...
I might turn off the propagator when they germinate?

Ok, but if some germinate faster than others what can I do to continue to grow and the others continue germinating, I must take the cover off or open the propagator windows?

Welcome! I'll give you a long answer and it's only my opinion. I'm pretty new at this.

For me, I'd remove dome couple times a day and blow some air across. Re-moisten as needed and replace dome.

Turn off the heat and remove the dome for good after at least half germinate. Raise the tray to within 3-inches (8 cm) of the light. If you leave the dome and heat on with that small light, the plants might get too long, spindly and weak.

If you have partial germination, if some seeds are really slow to germinate in one sector, remove dome to allow other plants to grow well, cover the other cell area with plastic wrap until they germinate. If only a few remain to germinate, forget the plastic wrap and just keep the cell area moist--they will eventually emerge.

Also, get a small fan to blow air from time to time to strengthen the little sprouts as they pop up.

I don't much like domes so others might have better ideas than me. Keep posting picture updates at each stage of plant development and you'll get more ideas. It's nice to see the 'first hooks' of the plants and advice can be given about light and water at that time.

Again, welcome and good luck... :cool:
Welcome! I'll give you a long answer and it's only my opinion. I'm pretty new at this.

For me, I'd remove dome couple times a day and blow some air across. Re-moisten as needed and replace dome.

Turn off the heat and remove the dome for good after at least half germinate. Raise the tray to within 3-inches (8 cm) of the light. If you leave the dome and heat on with that small light, the plants might get too long, spindly and weak.

If you have partial germination, if some seeds are really slow to germinate in one sector, remove dome to allow other plants to grow well, cover the other cell area with plastic wrap until they germinate. If only a few remain to germinate, forget the plastic wrap and just keep the cell area moist--they will eventually emerge.

Also, get a small fan to blow air from time to time to strengthen the little sprouts as they pop up.

I don't much like domes so others might have better ideas than me. Keep posting picture updates at each stage of plant development and you'll get more ideas. It's nice to see the 'first hooks' of the plants and advice can be given about light and water at that time.

Again, welcome and good luck... :cool:

Thanks for the reply help me a lot this kind of responses, so well explained, as indeed I am starting and I dont have too much knowledge.

So far I take off the lid approximately 1 hour a day, clean the lid and water if necessary to keep out moisture.

I have already put a pc fan on the side, you can see in the picture.

I plant on Friday, I guess still missing a few days to see the first, and I'll be posting photos so that you can advice me

thank you very much...
As soon as my first seedlings greets the day, my dome comes off and unless the room is cold, they come out of the heat. High temps, high moisture and lack of intense lighting makes for very leggy seedlings in just a couple of days.

I also would consider adding a couple more lights, even if they are just 23-watt, 5000K CFL bulbs. One 18-watt fluro is not going to deliver many lumens. If it is warm enough where you are, you could simply put the tray outside during the day. I've done that this year, even before most of the seeds have sprouted and not had any troubles, even when the temps dropped to 36 degrees (F).

As soon as my first seedlings greets the day, my dome comes off and unless the room is cold, they come out of the heat. High temps, high moisture and lack of intense lighting makes for very leggy seedlings in just a couple of days.

I also would consider adding a couple more lights, even if they are just 23-watt, 5000K CFL bulbs. One 18-watt fluro is not going to deliver many lumens. If it is warm enough where you are, you could simply put the tray outside during the day. I've done that this year, even before most of the seeds have sprouted and not had any troubles, even when the temps dropped to 36 degrees (F).


thanks for the answer, my light is this Grolux 18w I read about it and is especial for the first days...

what light can you advise me? not to expensive please....

are you advising me to remove the propagator lid forever?

Mike the Wordwiz has some great points there. That light is pretty weak no matter how close you get to the plants. If the light is cool to the touch, you could move up to 1-inch distance after sprouting.

And like he said, if you can get the seedlings outdoors you will get amazing growth. Just don't blast them first thing with direct sunlight, so start with shade under a tree on a nice day!

Also, don't forget to use the 'search' feature on the upper right corner of this screen to check other grows. Many of your questions coming up have been asked before and you'll be amazed at the growers and get lost in the the world-o-peppers.

Hey, I like that computer fan you put in there! Looks like a good start.... :cool:

Also a late starter myself, but after starting some germinating managed to get my hands on a light and my housemates wardrobe :)
I think the little starting setup you've got, should be ok for seedlings too, if you get yourself a couple of small CFL's as said above.
Glad to see you've got a fan to keep the air circulating :)
thanks for the answer, my light is this Grolux 18w I read about it and is especial for the first days...

what light can you advise me? not to expensive please....

are you advising me to remove the propagator lid forever?
You can get (at least in the US) simple two-bulb, 4' shop lights for less than $20. Or just a couple of CFL bulbs. Don't be fooled by the "Grow" or "Gro" in the light's description - marketing hype. The sellers prey on the lack of knowledge by new growers and claim their lights will help you produce the best plants since the Garden of Eden when in reality, they are minimally better than incandescent bulbs.

Yes, I really believe in removing a dome at the first sign of a "hook" or a seed poking its head through the soil. The dome is going to cut light transmission significantly and the amount of moisture and heat it helps retain really won't make a difference for the vast majority of unsprouted seeds - they will still be up in a couple of days to a week. But it will encourage leggy seedlings.


First step, the early jalapeño hook the head, I think this afternoon I will pass these to a small pot, what would be the correct size?, and put them under light 16h a day.

is a good time to pot it up and put them under the light? or is it better to remove the lid and put them under the light although all have not germinated yet?

I think most people wait until the plants have a set of true leaves formed before the first pot up. First thing after hooks is the two cotylendons, then another week or two before the first true leaves appear.

Mike says to remove the dome at first hooks, so I bow to his knowledge. I know many dome-users keep it on longer, so its your judgement. The good thing about removing the dome is being able to move the tray much closer to your light. Just keep your soil moist, but not soaking wet. Maybe keep the heat on for a while longer to encourage the others to germinate.
Okay, but keep a close eye out for plants that get too tall and spindly. Check some of the other grow logs of people when they were beginng and you can get an idea of what a healthy seedling looks like.

Good luck and congrats on the first born plants... :cool:
Okay, but keep a close eye out for plants that get too tall and spindly. Check some of the other grow logs of people when they were beginng and you can get an idea of what a healthy seedling looks like.

Good luck and congrats on the first born plants... :cool:

thanks for the idea, I will check other grows...

Thank you very much, today 2 more hook up
We actually have the same table in our bedroom, along with other Ikea furniture because we're poor. We couldn't imagine sacrificing such a fine example of European craftsmanship just to make a grow lamp! We have to use the sun. It's cheaper.

Oh, and at first I thought this thread was going to be about a teenage girl who "got into trouble" with her boyfriend. I don't know, I saw this after school special on TV when I was younger.
We actually have the same table in our bedroom, along with other Ikea furniture because we're poor. We couldn't imagine sacrificing such a fine example of European craftsmanship just to make a grow lamp! We have to use the sun. It's cheaper.

Oh, and at first I thought this thread was going to be about a teenage girl who "got into trouble" with her boyfriend. I don't know, I saw this after school special on TV when I was younger.

I think if you have nothing to contribute is better to say nothing, but thanks for the comment, in adittion in a hot pepper forum is difficult to find a thread about a teenager "who "got into trouble" with her boyfriend", in "hot peppers Growin" category, but thanks for your information.
You can get (at least in the US) simple two-bulb, 4' shop lights for less than $20. Or just a couple of CFL bulbs. Don't be fooled by the "Grow" or "Gro" in the light's description - marketing hype. The sellers prey on the lack of knowledge by new growers and claim their lights will help you produce the best plants since the Garden of Eden when in reality, they are minimally better than incandescent bulbs.

Yes, I really believe in removing a dome at the first sign of a "hook" or a seed poking its head through the soil. The dome is going to cut light transmission significantly and the amount of moisture and heat it helps retain really won't make a difference for the vast majority of unsprouted seeds - they will still be up in a couple of days to a week. But it will encourage leggy seedlings.


Can you show me a simple two-bulb, 4' shop lights or couple of CFL bulbs example in or similar websites, please? I want to take the right decision


I think if you have nothing to contribute is better to say nothing, but thanks for the comment, in adittion in a hot pepper forum is difficult to find a thread about a teenager "who "got into trouble" with her boyfriend", in "hot peppers Growin" category, but thanks for your information.

You'll have to pardon my crude "Yankee" humor. Of course maybe my sense of humor actually came from Spain, as did my great grandfather. But I heard stories about him being a very uptight dude, so maybe there's some correlation here.