making-powder first time dehydrating and making powder

After dehydrating the peppers, do you get rid of the seeds before grinding into powder or keep the seeds in there and grind them as well?
If I want a milder powder/flakes I will remove the seeds prior to dehydrating.
If I want the full power/flavor, I leave the seeds in and grind everything together.
I have a Nesco dehydrator and a Ninja 1500
Does leaving the seeds in make the powder slightly bitter at all (change flavor)? I have seen a few posts that claim this is true but figured some of you guys who have made a lot of powder would be more experienced/trustworthy than random forums posts.
The 9 trays with timers are bad ass(Love mine)
I dont play with color or anything in the (over thinking BS)
I dry them hard at 165F and get done with it,time varies based on ambient humidity for the day(I dry in the garage,not sealed off like northern States)
The finer you can grind it down the better powders work across the board(literally).
FWIW . . . . .7 of my 9 tray Excaliburs are factory re'mans off ebay (same Seller) and none have missed a beat in over 5yrs
When I do large jerky runs they will run non stop for 3 days straight
Excalibur all the way!!!
gangaskan said:
i went straight crazy and purchased a nice vintage excalibur myself! 
With most super strains YES no questioning about it
Chocolates more so then the others,lesser palates dont discern such more often the not
Floral in super hots means your eating a weed basically :)
twiasp said:
Does leaving the seeds in make the powder slightly bitter at all (change flavor)? I have seen a few posts that claim this is true but figured some of you guys who have made a lot of powder would be more experienced/trustworthy than random forums posts.
So with Yellow Scotch Bonnets, when I dry and grind them should I leave the seeds in or out for the best flavor.  Heat isn't really a factor if it alters the taste.  I am sorry, but not sure what they are classified as, ie Floral, or super strain, super hot, etc....
I have an old Black and Decker coffee grinder circa 1985 that still works like the day I got it. grind powder so fine that it starts to coagulate .
twiasp said:
So with Yellow Scotch Bonnets, when I dry and grind them should I leave the seeds in or out for the best flavor.  Heat isn't really a factor if it alters the taste.  I am sorry, but not sure what they are classified as, ie Floral, or super strain, super hot, etc....
I think it's personal preference.  I leave my seeds in when grinding.  Others take them out.  Should be easy to do a couple small batches; 4-5 pods seeds in and 4-5 pods seeds out.  For me I dry at lowest temps possible as I feel it helps with color and taste.  YMMV.  :)
Seeds really have no flavor at all,Im thinking its the pod strain flavors people are getting the bitter from(placenta etc)
Recently I washed seed from several strains very well,redried them and ate a few without getting any real bitter at all
Just no flavor(Butch T,Moruga brown,Primo and Currie strain reaper)
Rossi said:
yeah... afftermath of grinding, blood streams from the nose, hickups, bloody eyes, and headache :D especially after carolina reapers :D
One of these days I will grind some reapers and I am a little nervous! I would like to grow my own. Probably will only need to plant just one. 
Rossi said:
im using fireplace for dehydrating peppers and this for grinding 
But its so time consuming. I tried it, but went easy way - with coffee grinder. And I didn't had as much peppers as most of growers here.
This is how I make my powder, just what has worked best for me....
1) cut peppers in half and remove the seeds (seeds dilute the powder, can change the colour, can lessen the heat and flavour)
2) dehydrate around 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit (too high temp can change the colour)
3) I use a cheap coffee grinder, the longer you hold it down the finer the powder will be (will make it as fine as flour)
4) Store in an airtight container and sometimes add an anticaking agent such as nuflow
Another thing is I like to store a lot of the peppers I have dried in an airtight container and make the powder fresh as I use up a container. The average pepper requirement is one pound of dried peppers makes about an ounce of powder. These are all things I have learned here and just pieced together what works for me. Enjoy making your own blends or just having your own pure (INSERT NAME) powder instead of the stores cayenne powder!!
Student of Spice said:
This is how I make my powder, just what has worked best for me....
1) cut peppers in half and remove the seeds (seeds dilute the powder, can change the colour, can lessen the heat and flavour)
2) dehydrate around 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit (too high temp can change the colour)
3) I use a cheap coffee grinder, the longer you hold it down the finer the powder will be (will make it as fine as flour)
4) Store in an airtight container and sometimes add an anticaking agent such as nuflow
Another thing is I like to store a lot of the peppers I have dried in an airtight container and make the powder fresh as I use up a container. The average pepper requirement is one pound of dried peppers makes about an ounce of powder. These are all things I have learned here and just pieced together what works for me. Enjoy making your own blends or just having your own pure (INSERT NAME) powder instead of the stores cayenne powder!!
Exactly how I do it.
OhioHeat said:
Just to add something:  If you decide the use the coffee grinder way make sure to seal up along it's edges as the fine powder will escape and potentially get on hands/eyes/and other body parts that will cause great pain.
I use a very slightly dampened paper towel around mine...collects the dust nicely when 1st popping the lid open.
Enjoy your peppers !
HAHA, my first time using a coffee grinder I didn't have a leak per-say, but I did open the top immediately after grinding without thinking and got hit with a MASSIVE Trinidad Moruga Scorpion cloud TO THE FACE!
I don't recommend inhaling TMS dust, not good. Had me choking and in tears for at least 30 minutes.
mrgrowguy said:
HAHA, my first time using a coffee grinder I didn't have a leak per-say, but I did open the top immediately after grinding without thinking and got hit with a MASSIVE Trinidad Moruga Scorpion cloud TO THE FACE!
I don't recommend inhaling TMS dust, not good. Had me choking and in tears for at least 30 minutes.
I'll bet it did!
mrgrowguy said:
HAHA, my first time using a coffee grinder I didn't have a leak per-say, but I did open the top immediately after grinding without thinking and got hit with a MASSIVE Trinidad Moruga Scorpion cloud TO THE FACE!
I don't recommend inhaling TMS dust, not good. Had me choking and in tears for at least 30 minutes.
I think that's a classic mistake we all make once in a while, especially when you're super excited about your powder. Best to just grind the peppers outdoors and wait a fair while for the dust to settle before opening the grinder.