First time grow, how are these looking? [UK]

I bought these as starter plants, not long moved outside, I have them protected by a clear sheet that comes down and allows sun in and air to circulate.
I am just concerned as I see people getting pods already and I haven't.


7 Pot Primo


7 Pot Brainstrain, seems to be struggling?

Also is August harvest time or close to it?
Your plants look great and healthy, no worry. Others have all year season, which you don't.
Never grew Reaper or 7 Pot, no idea how long takes to have pods, but I see nice buds there.
Edit: How big are your pots? I am not a pot grower, but probably others will recommend you to repot to bigger size, if not now, in short time.
Thanks for the reply, as it's my first grow I just wanted to make sure they look OK, to me they look fine.
I have tasted the Reaper before but not the other two so will make a Reaper Salsa and do some tests on the others.

rghm1u20 said:
Your plants look great and healthy, no worry. Others have all year season, which you don't.
Never grew Reaper or 7 Pot, no idea how long takes to have pods, but I see nice buds there.
Edit: How big are your pots? I am not a pot grower, but probably others will recommend you to repot to bigger size, if not now, in short time.
These are 15 Litre pots, they have not long been re-potted, the guy I bought the plants off said these should be their final pot.
As I said, never grew these before, don't know their needs. And probably the angle you used to take the pictures, make the pots to look smaller.
Same here, my OW Moruga has pods, but nothing else.  i started in early Feb.   Also my Reaper last years was the last to pod up.  
I see you are in the UK - distance from the equator or availability of good artificial light makes a huge difference. Those who are in the tropics to sub-tropics are getting pods now, while those of us in the more temperate zones aren't quite there yet, unless we have sufficient artificial lighting. I wouldn't stress about it if I were you - your plants look healthy, and will be pod monsters soon enough!
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pods here - but only because I planted the seeds in december!!
Seriously - the greenhouse plants I have, even the december ones, are only really now just getting round to doing any real growing. On the plus side, pests can't grow as fast in the cold either ;)
Chucky1991 said:
Also is August harvest time or close to it?
Harvest time is when you have pods :) 
dogshow said:
Looks great - My OW plants have pods at the moment but my 2014 plants look much the same 
Same here in Connecticut USA. You're plants look really nice. I started reaper seed March or April last year and I had pods in October, They took a while to ripen to their sweet and  deadly red color. Well worth the wait.
I'm so psyched (like a father waiting for his 1st born) that my OW Reapers have pods in June!
Chucky1991 said:
Also does anyone think I should prune/top these plants?
      They look pretty good,I would let them ride.I pinched the leaves below the fork to keep them off the ground.When I did that I did have a growth spurt.
randyp said:
      They look pretty good,I would let them ride.I pinched the leaves below the fork to keep them off the ground.When I did that I did have a growth spurt.
So literally just cut off some of the leaves at the bottom?
Also all the buds are at the top, I see some starting to grow at the bottom  the leaves are blocking the sun? so should I cut some of the leaves at the bottom off?
Just want to make sure I get good healthy pods.
Plants look awsome.

on some of my plants I have leafs on lower part others I dont. Dont really notice a difference. I usally get rid of leafs touching soil.
Chucky1991 said:
Also all the buds are at the top, I see some starting to grow at the bottom  the leaves are blocking the sun? so should I cut some of the leaves at the bottom off?
Just want to make sure I get good healthy pods.
if I were you, I would continue doing as you are doing! Your plants seem very healthy and are starting to get flowers, soon they will have pods!
Are your containers big enough?
15 liters, a little over 4 gals right, that's fine, might they get bigger in a bigger pot sure, but I've grown plenty of bushes in 3 gals that gave me plenty of pods, sure I mostly use 7+ now, but I'm not limited by space and since 90% of my soil mix is laying around the yard and they forest outback, I don't worry about the cost of soil either.
You could use a bit of Epsom salt if you think your brainstrain is a little light, about 4grams to a liter of water.
Should you prune or top?
Absolutely NOT! You have healthy sized plants that are starting to put energy into fruiting, why in the heck would you do something to make it divert all its energy into vegetative growth! Oh if you want really big plants with no pods by all means prune away! In my experience the only thing to do with a decent sized healthy plant when it starts fruiting is giving it a little extra nutrients for fruit production and sit back and wait for the pods to roll in!
We all remember the constant " am I doing this right, what if I did this?" In our heads, and most of us in the first year or more have done things detrimental to our plants because we were worried we weren't doing enough, but mother nature has been growing peppers for thousands of years so sit back and let her do the heavy lifting!
       That was me last year.I topped and wished I would not have,because I  got a late start and could not leave well enough alone.
Thanks guys for all the help, I am going to leave it as it is, water every 2-3 days, and chilli focus every week, maybe twice a week when I see pods, appreciate all the help.
Chucky1991 just be sure not to over water. As everyone has said, your plants look great, you'll have pods sooner than you think :)