First Time Grow

Greetings everyone!
My name is Matt, and I recently took up the hobby of gardening. In this persuit, I figured I'd start my first Jalapeno and Habanero container grow. I live in Colorado Springs, so the weather can either be hit or miss, but the peppers seem to be taking off.
I bought the Bonnie seedlings, a couple from Walmart and a couple from Ace Hardware. I transplanted these about the 20th of May or so, and I just wanted to get your guys' opinion on the growth and how the plants look. I notice some dark spots on the underside of the bottom leaves on one of the plants. None of the black is showing up on the newer growth. They have grown about 5-6 inches since transplanting.
Thank you for the opportunity to join your growing community. I'm excited about meeting you all, and talking about my new found hobby.
Pictures below:


What is happening to the wilted leaf? I've had about 2 or 3 drop off due to wilting.

Hands down the best looking of my Jalapenos.

My baby, the Habanero.

This is what the bottom leaves of the left plant looks like. I did spray them with a dish soap, and forgot to rinse it off. Perhaps it got chemical burn on it, or is that Bacterial Leaf Spot?
I also noticed that the new growth is a tad lighter green than the rest of the plant? Do I have a nutritional deficiency?
Thanks for your time and help!
nice looking plants!  they look pretty good to me, the brown spotting on the leaves could be from dirt splashing on them when you water them, if i read it correctly they are the bottom leaves right?  as for the dish soap spray on them, ive done it many times with out rinsing and never hand any ill effects, but i could be wrong, and the lighter green leaves are still growing, they will get darker as time goes on, nothing to worry about at all. but thats all my opinion, im sure you will get more answers to this from the pro's on here
Welcome! I wouldn't worry about a few bad leaves. Overall, the plants look great. New growth always starts a lighter green. What's in your soil? 
Imo those plants are healthy and big enuff that if you dont like the looks of some lower leaves pinch them off. The focus is the new growth now, which looks great. I find your soil interesting what is it?
And Welcome to THP from NorCal
magicpepper said:
nice looking plants!  they look pretty good to me, the brown spotting on the leaves could be from dirt splashing on them when you water them, if i read it correctly they are the bottom leaves right?  as for the dish soap spray on them, ive done it many times with out rinsing and never hand any ill effects, but i could be wrong, and the lighter green leaves are still growing, they will get darker as time goes on, nothing to worry about at all. but thats all my opinion, im sure you will get more answers to this from the pro's on here
Thanks Magic! I do appreciate the compliment. I figured the new growth would get darker, so thanks for putting my mind at ease. Do you know of a good thread that shows many users plants?
hottoddy said:
Welcome! I wouldn't worry about a few bad leaves. Overall, the plants look great. New growth always starts a lighter green. What's in your soil? 
The soil in the Jalapenos is comprised mostly of Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting mix. The Habanero is just cheap scotts garden soil.
hogleg said:
Imo those plants are healthy and big enuff that if you dont like the looks of some lower leaves pinch them off. The focus is the new growth now, which looks great. I find your soil interesting what is it?
And Welcome to THP from NorCal
The gf picked a few off because she's jealous of the time I spend with them. All joking aside, I'll definetly do that to promote new growth. Besides the Scott's and Miracle-Gro, I had some pine needles and bark I got near a tree in the area. I topped the soil with that, Epsom Salt, and ground up egg shells. That worked perfectly for a while, until fungus gnats showed up. I removed the top mulch, and instead added grass clippings with some ground sand I had in my yard.
Rymerpt said:
Welcome from California

Your plants look great.
Thanks Rymerpt! I'm jealous of some of the giant plants others have =) After continually battling Aphids & Fungus Gnats, I'm hoping to see no more insect problems.
I would love to see all of your guys' plants this year.
the easiest way to find pictures on here that i know of is go all the way up to the top and click on gallery, should show you lots of pictures of great looking plants that other users have grown
Look good to me. as said if you question a leaf or 2 carefully clip em of but don't over worry. My only concern is to watch those zip ties as the trunks get bigger. 
Welcome aboard
MiChris said:
Welcome, plants look great.
By the way, cool name.
Thanks. =) Ye olde Role Playing Games.
PrimeTime said:
Look good to me. as said if you question a leaf or 2 carefully clip em of but don't over worry. My only concern is to watch those zip ties as the trunks get bigger. 
Welcome aboard
Will do. I just got back from home depot and bought some rebar to use as permanent stakes.
My only concern is how long they have taken to grow. I transplanted them around April 30th. I guess its only been about a month. Patience is a virtue.
A few points as to some of your questions. For starters, MG moisture control is terrible if you get too much rain you will end up w/ a swamp, over watering or too much moisture is one cause of pale leaves or leaves falling off, also could be a cause of slow or stunted growth. Second be careful about adding uncomposted eggshells or grass clippings into your small container plants as sometimes this can be more detrimental than beneficial, while eggshells and grass clipping are high in nitrogen, rotting materials in a small container can attract malevolent bacteria, also anything that the grass came into contact w/ could infect your soil. Next fungus gnats show up in overly moist soil. And lastly I would recommend larger containers at least for the Hab 3 gallon is probably the minimum 5gal is the minimum I would recommend. Also, the looser (more aerated ) your soil is the faster your plants roots will zip right through them, the faster the rest of the plants will grow. Perhaps a mixture of the Scotts and mg moisture control(though I still wouldn't advise it) w/ some perlite or red lava rock or pine bark to aerate the soil will really help. These are all just my opinions based on my experience of growing chiles for years. Anyway, best of luck to you and it seems you are doing pretty well for yourself so far just some hopefully helpful tips to help you along!
And BTW, welcome to THP!
So, I figured I'd drop by this thread and post a couple updated pictures. The Jalapenos are doing great, but the Habanero is struggling. I think I'm going to end up overwintering it for next year, and choose a different soil brand for it.
The Jalapenos flowered like crazy, and fruit set like crazy as well. This will be my last post in this thread, and I'll make sure to start a Glog for next years garden. =)
Thanks everyone for your help.



I believe the black coloring is suntan. I hope at least.
Your Jalapenos look great!  My purple Jalapeno didn't flower that much.
If you've the time and a bit of space, next year, making your own soil is going to make those Jalapenos and Hab grow like crazy!