First Time Grower, First Flower

Hi there.  I just had a little question.  This is my first year growing, and came home to a flower on my tiny plant.  I am so happy, so I wanted to share.  It was a chili of some sort grown by my uncle, dried and planted by me.  It is rather short, but hope it will grow a bit taller one day.  All my plants are in my greenhouse in a south facing window.  It looks like a few other buds are on the way.  So, as a first time grower, is this alright and normal?  Thank you.

Here are a couple pics.

Nice! looking good there.  :mouthonfire:
When I go to plant mine outside in about May I usually pinch off any flowers and pods that are on there already, it helps signal the plant that it's time to grow bigger.
Yip i agree my Jalapeno's took off like mad after I pinched the first buds and now they are making nice flower clusters now :party:
ebh said:
Looks good... Now cut the top off for bigger yields :)
I'm so new to this that this comment shocked me. I promise to research so my first ever pepper plants will do well. I am so glad to have found this site.

Don't be upset if the first few don't set pods. A lot of times the plant isn't developed enough for them to pod.. It also depends on the about of light and variety. Nice looking plants too! I'd be exited and proud also!