seeds first time grower from seeds

Hi I'm not new to growing hot peppers just new to growing from seeds. I have Trinidad scorpion, red savanna, lemon drops and ghost peppers. They are in the seedling stage. I have them under 24 hour light. Using t8 32w natural light. Its 72° in there. The peppers look good was wondering how often should I water them. When to use fertilizer? I have 10-10-10 I'm a pell it form. Any help would be great.

I would post pictures if someone would tell me how.

10-10-10 in pellet form*
You can post pics by uploading them somewhere, copying the direct URL and clicking the "image" button on the second row in the post-box.

I think generally, you can start fertilizing at any time, some people wait until the second set of true leaves pop. Others will have better advice...
I add nutrient to the water shortly after the sprout gains its second set of leaves(first true set)

What part of PA are you in?
Lebanon county. Thanks. Guess ill have to try and post pics of my setup. Still not really sure how. What sites can I upload them to?
I'm a recent convert to Photobucket. You upload your photo to your library and when you click on the picture There is an Image Links menu on the lower right screen. Click IMG Code and then paste it into your post here.

Welcome, I'm a new pepper sprouter too.