First time grower, have some questions

Hi all
First time ever growing hot peppers here, I have some limited experience with other vegetables but not hot peppers.
I have a few varieties, I started germinating them mid-January and most of them sprouted and I already have several baby plants. I also have some milder varieties going on but those haven't sprouted yet.
I have some newbie questions:
- It's still cold outside so right now my plants are sitting on a table next to a sunny window. I've been moving them around the table because the sunlight travels every day from the very right of the desk to the very left. So every couple of hours I move them so they get as much sunlight as possible. I've been wondering if they mind moving around and if this will stunt their growth? Also I've been turning them so the leaves are naturally leaning towards the sunlight. Will this confuse the plants or am I doing them a favor? Do they prefer being still instead and do their own thing?
- How much water do baby plants require? I've been watering them almost every day, about the time when the soil goes semi-dry (not completely dried out but not wet either). Is this good or should I water them less or more?
- I'm doing the double cup method, where the inner cup has a hole on the bottom so they can be watered from below while they are maturing. Right now I'm still watering them from the top using a water sprayer because I'm concerned that the roots aren't long enough to reach the water on the bottom. Am I right in this assumption or should I just be watering them from the ground up and let the soil soak it up to the roots?
Obviously I'm very new at all this so forgive the possibly stupid questions. :)
Some pics:

There's 5x Moruga Scorpion, 5x Habanero Orange, 6x Jamaica Hot Chocolate and 4x Jamaica Hot Reds

My baby Moruga Scorpions

Jamaican Hot Reds

Jamaican Chocolate and Habanero
Thanks :)

For some one new to this you seem to have it locked in. Everything you are doing is perfect. Don't use any fertilizer untill they have serveral leaves formed. Other than that tip I would say you are off to a great start. Moving the plants around is just fine. Bottom watering at this stage is best. Mist to moisten the soil on top is fine.

Reading the glogs will help you tons.
