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First time growing Bhut Jolokias

I am growing Bhut Jolokias for the first time and I was warned that they can be challenging to grow. Does anyone have any tips for me from past experience?
Make sure to use a good well drained soil or soilless medium and don't over feed or overwater, and have patience. Also start seeds early when possible.
I live in Florida and started the peppers about two weeks ago. We should not have any nights that get down to 50 degrees this season. I used a coarse, quick draining soil. I planted some other peppers which recently sprouted and was told that the Jolokias will take almost twice as long to sprout.
I don't think they are any harder to grow than a Habanero, they just take longer to get fully ripe. And all my early pods suffered from Blossom End Rot, but it eventually went away on it's own. Whatever the hassle, Bhuts are worth it. Best pepper ever.
bigt said:
I don't think they are any harder to grow than a Habanero, they just take longer to get fully ripe. And all my early pods suffered from Blossom End Rot, but it eventually went away on it's own. Whatever the hassle, Bhuts are worth it. Best pepper ever.

I agree with BigT. They do take a long time to ripen thats for sure. I love them because they just look nasty and dangerous. Its an ok producer for me anyways but not as good as the 7 pot or trinidad scorpion in my opinion.
Bhuts were a good producer for me - I had 4 plants and they averaged 157 pods each, with the best one doing 185. I didn't count very small pods or any I had to chuck because of BER. Many of the pods were huge (4") and I have enough dried Bhuts after one year to probably last the rest of my life. My 7 Pots did well too, but not quite that much. They are just so hot, they're borderline inedible.
For me the nagas seem to seriously outperform the bhuts, and pretty much any other pepper for that matter, but the bhuts usually have bigger pods
Well i have a very large bhut in my back window and it is doing well for me so far and about 22 pods up to now. For some reason nagas didnt produce for me like the others did the last two years. I'm growing three this year and i'm putting the against the back of the house. Its never failed me yet putting plants against the house so we will see how much nagas i get this year.
The yellow bhut is putting out pods too so well see if this is the real thing.