• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

First time growing - Shot Glass Contest and more

Hey everyone, I am not new to chilies, but completely new to growing them.  Making sauces is my normal forte, but I thought I would give a crack at growing this year and I am excited to undertake this project.  I joined a contest on Facebook where contestants plant seeds in 1 shot glass and whoever has the tallest plant by the end of the contest wins a ten pack of seeds from every contestant.  It is still open if you are interested and can be found here:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/210848495780993/
I chose a Pimento Picante Big Thai Hybrid for my shot glass.

In addition to the challenge, I also intend to grow as many strains as I can.  I am expecting a seed care package in the mail from a buddy in Florida and once that arrives I will begin to germinate those.  I purchased a Jiffy pellet greenhouse tray that has plenty of room for sprouts.  Hopefully I can get these puppies going and on to a healthy start!

If you are wondering what is up with the "Orange Habanero Hulk", it's not a new strain that I know of, but my local market started carrying these behemoth habaneros that look like they have been crossed with Scotch Bonnets.  I decided to take seeds from the largest one and try to grow them out lol.  

The Big Thai Hybrid and Carribean Red Hot seeds I got from a store, I look forward to the crazy strains that my friend is sending me and hopefully will be able to do them justice.  I welcome all tips and suggestion you guys may have, I need all the help I can get lol
Sounds like a fun contest! Is it only peppers, or is it any type of seed?
It might just be a bad pic, but your shotglass looks a little moist for germing out seed, is it soupy in there?
Looking forward to what kind of varieties you get from your friend! 
Yeah, I did over-water the shot glass a bit. I'm going to let it dry out a little before watering it again. The contest is strictly for peppers. At last count there was 67 contestants so the winner gets a whopping 660 seeds!
Okay, so all of my seeds arrived today as well as my seedling mat.  Here is the list of seeds I will be working with for my first year project:
1. Pimento Picante Big Thai Hybrid
2. Orange "Hulk" Habanero
3. Caribbean Red Hot
4. Moruga Scorpion
5. Trinidad Sunrise Scorpion
6. Trinidad Yellow Scorpion
7. Pumpkin Butch T Scorpion
8. Carolina Reaper
9. Butch T Scorpion
10. Infinity 
11. Cappuccino Habanero
12. Chocolate Habanero
13. Giant White Habanero
14. Fatali
15. Naga X Brainstrain
16. Warped Naga
17. Red Devil - 7 Pot X Scorpion X Bhut
18. Peanut 7 Pot
19. 7 Pot Red
20. 7 Pot White
21. 7 Pot SR Gigantic Chocolate
I realize I don't have room to grow all of these, so I think I am going to prune down the list for the year and save the rest for next year.

I isolated my collection down to these 12 strains and got them planted on sitting on the seedling mat.  After that, I decided to get creative and build a grow box to be ready for their transplant.  I converted my bathroom storage into a multifunctional grow box that can be adjusted to raise the light distance by a foot in six inch increments.  The front of the drawer is perferated which allowed me to poke holes through the tin foil and allow the fan to blow air into it.
