smoking First time smoking a brisket

Great looking first brisket - My first I had to throw it on the ground - Ribs I prefer 3-1-1 like everyone is saying one less hour if youre wrapping in foil if not go by eye for 5-6 hours for spares or St Louis (preferred) and mop every hour. I do it when I add chips. I dont like a harsh smoke so I use chips for at least the first 3 hrs and continue mopping every hour
My first crack at a brisket yesterday on my Kamado grill. The first pic is 2/3 the way cooked and the second pic is the Delicious results. This was sooooo tender it was unbelievable. One thing about the Kamado style smokers is your meat NEVER dries out, It holds the moisture in the meat. 


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The Hot Pepper said:
That's it? Damn, nice. Musta been big chunks.
ok, i have to ask ...
to run your offset for 12-18 hours, how much fuel do you need? ... how much does it cost? ...
i'm getting the idea from you finding people's wood use to be low often, that we're touching on that same point from the other thread again, here, now ...
that the offset is actually running a pretty unfrugal fire - possibly making a better tasting product for getting to run hotter (300-400F) - and your only play for efficiency is to load up the chamber and have that channeled smoke run across as much meat as you can ...
so, an offset may be the best case for smoking, but the least efficient ... and, honestly, that wouldn't diverge from how everything in life works, usually ...
i'm curious about the answer the question above, in re: the cost of doing a 12-18 hr cook on one ...
Depends, they call them stick burners because you don't even need charcoal, you can use wood. You can also use charcoal and wood. You can also use the minion method for a slow coal fire and minimal wood. Charcoal is a good flavor, wood is a good flavor, the combo is a good flavor. Wood, heat, cost, flavor, too many variables!

That's why pitmasters are pitmasters!
The Hot Pepper said:
Depends, they call them stick burners because you don't even need charcoal, you can use wood. You can also use charcoal and wood. You can also use the minion method for a slow coal fire and minimal wood. Charcoal is a good flavor, wood is a good flavor, the combo is a good flavor. Wood, heat, cost, flavor, too many variables!

That's why pitmasters are pitmasters!
I am going to pimp out my WSM and upgrade the minion method :) The fuse shall come back into play for the WSM after the bling arrives....
What bling do you need to put hot coals on top of unlit coals?
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I wish I had taken a better picture of mine but here are the burnt our brisket looked almsot exactly the same smoke ring wise but I blew the picture with sun glare.
Those look great, I have not tried them yet.

The Hot Pepper said:
Depends, they call them stick burners because you don't even need charcoal, you can use wood. You can also use charcoal and wood. You can also use the minion method for a slow coal fire and minimal wood. Charcoal is a good flavor, wood is a good flavor, the combo is a good flavor. Wood, heat, cost, flavor, too many variables!
That's why pitmasters are pitmasters!

I use the minion method, I put the apple chunks at 12,3,6,9 on a clock and the hickory right in the middle.