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seeds First time starting seeds indoors

Hello all,
Since this will be my first time starting seedlings indoors. I will be growing 23 different varieties of peppers. Which is best? Grow box,pop up greenhouse for inside or a t5 stand up light that comes with a seed starter kit. Not looking to drill holes in ceiling to put up grow lights and also looking to not have a light run up a lot on the light bill.
Thank you!
Hi Codeman,
If light "pollution" is not a concern for you no need to spend on a grow tent. Also, many here (and elsewhere) have great results with standard T5. I used to start my seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, ...) under T5 too but I switched to LED last year and I would not come back to T5 but unfortunately,  the good LED lights are still a bit pricey. They do deliver though, they're really efficient and they are suppose to last forever (>50 000 hours). Depends on your budget but T5 would be a very good initial investment. Good luck with your grow!
This is my first year starting seeds as well. It is performing great so far. I posted my new grow setup in another thread. When the lights burn out I will swap it for LED replacement T5's. I start a lot of seeds. Just food for thought. I couldnt afford an LED light long enough to do multiple flats. Not LED efficiency but not too bad either and retrofitting later when bulbs finally die wont be hard to do. 
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Fatalii_Llama said:
This is my first year starting seeds as well. It is performing great so far. I posted my new grow setup in another thread. When the lights burn out I will swap it for LED replacement T5's. I start a lot of seeds. Just food for thought. I couldnt afford an LED light long enough to do multiple flats. Not LED efficiency but not too bad either and retrofitting later when bulbs finally die wont be hard to do. 
Is this on a stand?
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Fatalii_Llama said:
This is my first year starting seeds as well. It is performing great so far. I posted my new grow setup in another thread. When the lights burn out I will swap it for LED replacement T5's. I start a lot of seeds. Just food for thought. I couldnt afford an LED light long enough to do multiple flats. Not LED efficiency but not too bad either and retrofitting later when bulbs finally die wont be hard to do. 
Is this on a stand?
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Bou said:
Hi Codeman,
If light "pollution" is not a concern for you no need to spend on a grow tent. Also, many here (and elsewhere) have great results with standard T5. I used to start my seedlings (tomatoes, peppers, ...) under T5 too but I switched to LED last year and I would not come back to T5 but unfortunately,  the good LED lights are still a bit pricey. They do deliver though, they're really efficient and they are suppose to last forever (>50 000 hours). Depends on your budget but T5 would be a very good initial investment. Good luck with your grow!
Yeah not looking to spend over 120. Light pollution might be a concern. The only thing I can think of that would be good is that t5 light stand. How good are grow tents really?
I love my grow tent. That light isnt on a stand, mine is hanging from top of grow tent support. That said, you could build a stand using PVC for a few bucks. 
Fatalii_Llama said:
I love my grow tent. That light isnt on a stand, mine is hanging from top of grow tent support. That said, you could build a stand using PVC for a few bucks.
would probably be better to start my seeds this way.
Fatalii_Llama said:
I love my grow tent. That light isnt on a stand, mine is hanging from top of grow tent support. That said, you could build a stand using PVC for a few bucks.
What brand of grow tent do you have? So I just use trays for seedlings?
I use a vivosun that I got off of Amazon. Mine is the 4x4, but they make lots of sizes like 4x2 etc. I really like it for the price. The fabric was much more heavy duty than I was expecting. I was actually quite surprised with the quality for what it cost. 
Codeman said:
What brand of grow tent do you have? So I just use trays for seedlings?
Codeman said:
What brand of grow tent do you have? So I just use trays for seedlings?
Vivosun also, 32 x 32 x 62 inches, currently on sale! Well built for the price; zippers are really tough and won't fail anytime soon.
Codeman said:
So 32x32x62 would be plenty for the amount I got?
Absolutely; I managed to fit 40 in mine (double cup method)! But don't forget that they will need/take more space as they grow and they are growing rather quickly!
Bou said:
Absolutely; I managed to fit 40 in mine (double cup method)! But don't forget that they will need/take more space as they grow and they are growing rather quickly!
Is it called a vivosun hydroponic grow tent? Also how much did you pay for yours?
Bou said:
Vivosun also, 32 x 32 x 62 inches, currently on sale! Well built for the price; zippers are really tough and won't fail anytime soon.
Codeman said:
Is it called a vivosun hydroponic grow tent? Also how much did you pay for yours?
It's called a "grow tent" for sure but may also have some other more sophisticated names! Bought it on Amazon and I think I paid aroud 80$ CAD last fall. Just click on this link HERE for more details!