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First time using an airlock and seedlings

So I have a blend of habaneros, serranos and jalapenos that I just moved into an airlock.

So that's that. We will see. I started the ferment on the second. Lets hope I don't get impatient (Spoiler: I probably will).
Here are some habanero seeds I thought would never sprout but low and behold here they are

So.....all in all I'm pretty excited.
There's a lot of headspace in that (Gallon?) jug — especially for a straight mash. It's best to maximize the volume in there so that there's not so much oxygen to potentially feed the nasties. At the very least you might have issues with kahm yeast on the surface. I tend to ferment larger slices of fruit/vegies, then weigh down with glass disks until the pH gets lowered, then blend into mash with an immersion blender for a secondary ferment. I've always had a little more trouble trying to ferment straight mash. Just a few friendly tips!
PS. Kahm yeast'd be a bitch to skim from the surface of that vessel!
@ hotstepper thank you very much!that never occurred to me. At work right now but when I get home I will definitely move them back and use the 1/2 gallon for a big batch.
Ditto to Hotspepper remarks...way too much air space and the jug shape is is better suited fermenting anything else other that vegetables, The quart jars in the pics might work out to be successful ferments if you do something to keep things "submerged" in the brine. Having the proper brine(salt) balance & submersion (anaerobic) are essential to achieve a successful ferment.
PLUS....I strongly suggest,especially for those new to fermentation, monitor the pH......and always before consuming!!
There is a lot of sound information on this forum and throughout the web detailing the steps to follow and the safe practices necessary for  achieving successful vegetable fermentation.
Failure to do so will very possibly result in wasted ingredients and/or a sick puppy.
Sorry if my remarks sound strong ...but mother nature calls the shots....
@ chili monsta
No need to apologize. I'm a noob and appreciate all knowledge. Thank you very much.

I did have them under water with a bag of the brine solution. I can't honestly say why I took it off. I thought that it would be ok. But hey you live and most importantly learn.

Thanks again.