Hi all, what an excellent forum. Fell in love with chilli's so desided why not grow some. Growing anything is new to me and I decided on my favourite... Naga. I'm in the UK... The story so far, so any pointers would be great. I had a naga left from the supermarket. So left the seeds I a little water in a dark place. After 7 days I potted with all purpose compost in small pots(end of December) . 8 seeds, 7 took! I used an electric propagator they grew fast. I also then bought some seeds in January from local gardening store naka jolokia. 3seeds only one took. Iv treated them as my baby's had a few small issues. One has odema and 2 have had small slit holes on the leaves. Manganese? They are now huge! Repotted 2 times. And are flowering and signs of pods! So happy. Iv found one aphid with wings, but that's it. They are still in doors on the windowsill. I'm using chilli focas to feed them once a week. I find I need to water every 1.5 days. The naga plant from the garden store naga jolokia, is much smaller than the others, different leaves and texture, I'm wondering what it actually is? Some questions, am I doing all the above ok, do they look healthy? And anything else I might need to know or do would be great. Will post some pics just now..... Thank you