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First timer!!

Hello fellow pepper growers, I am a newbie at this. I have Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpion Butch T pepper seeds. I also have some Serrano seeds, atleast that is what the guy told me they were when he gave them to me. I bought my Bhut's and Butch T's from a reputable dealer so I know those are real. I figured I would start the seeds that were given to me now (cause I have so many) so that way if I fail it won't bother me to much. I will start them indoors under a controlled environment and I figure that the Serrano seeds would be a good way for me to learn, cause I really want to be successful with my Bhut's and Butch T's. THose are the ones I really want to be successful with. If anyone can give me some do's and don'ts about growing indoors I would really appreciate it. I have done research and know that to germinate you have to have warm moist and mostly sterile and nutrient rich soil, then once you have sprouts that is where the lighting comes in not to mention moist and warm soil. I have not even started to plant yet cause I want to try to learn as much as I can about my seeds and plants and the growing process before I start. So as I said before if anyone can give me more knowledge and teachings and what to do and so on, I would greatly appreciate it. I just want it to work the first itme so thats why I haven't done anything yet. Thanks to all who write back and share there knowledge and know how with me. THanks again.

Casey, New Orleans Louisiana
I put my Bhut Jolokia Seeds in between 2 wet papertowels and placed them in a ziplock baggie.I then placed the vip lock baggie on top of a coffee can and turned a reading lamp on them for heat.I had a great germination rate. After the root was visible i took a six inch planter and put soil in it I pressed my finger down making about a 1 inch hole droped the seed in and covered.I water every 2-3 days depending on how the soil looks.

I have a 2 foot 4 bulb t-5 on order from ebay $65 plus shipping it should be in on the 3rd. I also have a cheapo floro grow light ,A cheap led grow light and a cfl light and a floro black light all in an enclosed closet. I have the walls and ceiling lined with aluminum foil.

My Bhut Jolokias LOOK FANTASTIC!!

But I had to start a my thread about lighting .I wish I would have posted earlier as I kept buying more and more cheapo lights. I think the t-5 and an led would be plenty for me in the small space I'm using to overwinter But this is my first season.

here are a few good links to lighting from some really great helpful members

Thanks to OMRI

They are doing a grow challenge if you want to wait for their conclusion before you start


Thanks to Physicsman
If you want I could send you some pics of my germination setup. I use the deli plastic container method myself, because I like to micromanage the process. I have all the info on my other computer though and it won’t be until tonight before a can post. Pics are worth a 1000 words I always say!!
If you want I could send you some pics of my germination setup. I use the deli plastic container method myself, because I like to micromanage the process. I have all the info on my other computer though and it won’t be until tonight before a can post. Pics are worth a 1000 words I always say!!

I would love to see those, I am just now setting up a location just for germination.