First try growing anything

I've been lurking for about 6 months trying to learn as much as I can and about 15 days ago got everything I think I needed to get rolling. I've never grown anything before so I admit I don't real have a clue so I thought I'd post pics of where I'm at. I think Im going in the right direction but any advice would be great. Like I said, I sowed my seeds around 2 weeks ago and I used a super sprouter. I did 5 rows, reapers, barackapore 7pot, choc bhuts, and the last two rows of 5 yellow brain strains, 10 infinities, 5 devils tongue. I had extras from my order (puckerbutt) so there's doubles in many of my cells as I wasn't even sure I'd germinate them right. Anyways, here's my pics.
None of the Devils Tongue have germ'd yet and Ive had a few cells of other types not pop up but theres around 40 or so that have so Im pretty happy. For now Im using two 85w 2600k/6500k bulbs I sourced from an algae scrubber I made for my reef tank.  Im in Florida so when I move them to cups Id like to start giving them real sun but wanted to get some insight on if I should do that and if so what kind of weaning schedule should I use (if any). Were now getting 85 hot n sunny days.
And wow you hit the ground RUNNING!!! Good work
As for hardening them off, I put them in the shade outside for a few days and then gradulaly move them to a sunnier area over a 3-4 days
Babies look good.  Nice and healthy.  You will certainly want to gradually introduce them to the sun.  Being started indoors, they aren't used to the radiation from the sun and will burn quite easily.  And at their age, that can be fatal.
second that take your time putting them out doors i messed some of my first plants up by just leaving them out side all day in the sun. and just wait on the devils tong some seeds seem to take longer to pop up. i usually will drop two seeds of the same type in a cell then split them up if they both pop up. looks like you are off to a good start
Thanks folks. I saw somewhere round here a post where someone used a fork to gingerly separate the double plants in 1 cell.  I have a few individuals that I'm going to move to solo cups soon and any doubles that have grown out enough to solo-cup I think I will try to separate them. Yea, I'm gonna take it nice and easy with the sun as the nuclear reactor season in Florida is knocking at the door.  I think I'll try 4-6 hours shade/low wind outside for a week and run the lights overnight where I have them now.  After I'll start with maybe morning sun for an hour then shade, night lights and just slowly ramp up over a week or more.  I have some time at home for a good 3 weeks so I can keep an eye on them and adjust accordingly. Last thing I wanna do is micromanage them though. I think I may start a glog as I may end up with a fair amount of plants, fingers crossed.
Could anyone shed some light on if/when I need to fertilize or not? I started all my seeds in MG seed starting mix and have had about 80% germ rate.  Now that the 2nd set of leaves are looking good I transferred to solo cups again using MG seed starting mix.  Now I know ppl are really mixed about using MG stuff but it's what I had to work with. So the bag indicates its enriched with plant food but doesnt give any info about exactly what is in the mix. When I goto MG's web site it has a specs section where is says "fertilizer analysis" is 0.03 - 0.03 - 0.03. So at this point I have no idea if I need to fertilize while using this mix. Anyone have any insight? When I eventually move to my large containers I'm going to use promix, garden soil, worm castings, perlite, and mushroom compost (tdmudder's setup) but in the interim solo cups I just need to know if I have to fert or not and if so how will I know when it's time to fert?