health First try with Kratky - trying to figure out whats wrong

For this year i've tried starting a few Kratky grows instead of soil that I normally use with a variety of peppers but it's been a struggle since start so i'm trying to figure out what's wrong.
According to my ph-meter im at around 5.8-6.1ph, it's ~90F/32C with 50-55% humidity so from what I've read they should be really liking it in my growarea but the results speak differently.
The leafs are starting to turn yellow which I thought was due to not enough nutrients, so I added some more in small increments. But after that I also feel like the leafs are much more "harder" and does not have the soft feel like they usually have and brown spots have started to appear on top leafs.
Roots are growing but it almost looks like there some kind of fungus/mold? The weird thing is that I have it in all 5 kratky containers to some extent. Is it my nutrients that is not dialed in enough or do you have any other tips for what I can try before I give up and switch over to soil instead?
I'm using the hydro nutrient package from Gold label and using their nutrient schedule but about 50-60% less than recommended. 


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dragonsfire said:
make sure the net cup is above the liquid, they do need air.
Better less nuits then too much, maybe start with fresh water again.
Yeah the fuzzy part is 75% above water if not all of it. 
The yellowing of leaves started before I added nutrients though and from what i've read its usually caused by lack of nutrients so I added another 1ml of a Part A/B solution to a ~16L container so its a tiny amount. But maybe I was wrong there?
joco said:
Yeah the fuzzy part is 75% above water if not all of it. 
The yellowing of leaves started before I added nutrients though and from what i've read its usually caused by lack of nutrients so I added another 1ml of a Part A/B solution to a ~16L container so its a tiny amount. But maybe I was wrong there?
Small changes are always best along with waiting a week or two to observe if the plants changes - if any. Taking wild swings in short periods of time does nothing but confuse.
I see both mold and necrotic roots.  You'll want to trim all of that brown stuff off, for sure. 
"Lack of nutrients" doesn't always mean that there aren't enough in the solution.  It just means that the plant isn't taking them up, as it should.  And seeing the roots, it's pretty clear that the issue is there.

I'm still a bit baffled by the whole Kratky thing, because this is exactly the kind of thing that happens in hydro, when the res temp gets much over 80 degrees.  I have no idea why it is supposed to work in Kratky.  But I do know that you have a problem in those roots.  Don't focus your energy on the nutrient ratios right now.  Get to the heart of the mold issue.  It shouldn't be there.
I’ve had luck combating root rot by taking some clean water from a local pond/river and adding it to my hydro. I think the bacteria in the water help to even things out.

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Acprkit said:
I’ve had luck combating root rot by taking some clean water from a local pond/river and adding it to my hydro. I think the bacteria in the water help to even things out.
That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard...  but it's just strange enough to make a great experiment.

Kudos to you for thinking of it, and having the nads to try it.  :thumbsup:
Thanks for all the advice! Only two containers had root rot but I had mold in every single one..  Decided to try and salvage what I can by cleaning off the mold, trimmed the roots and repotted in soil instead.
Will give Kratky or dwc a try another time for sure, I actually think it could have been my poorly cleaned aerogarden where I started all pods that's now showing problems.
After just one day i'm already seeing a bunch of new leafs forming on some of the plants so I think they will pull through. :)
solid7 said:
That's the weirdest thing I've ever heard...  but it's just strange enough to make a great experiment.
Kudos to you for thinking of it, and having the nads to try it.  :thumbsup:
I was at the end of my rope with roots turning brown. After some reading about how the water can get out of whack with nutes and fungus, and how compost tea can help, I thought trying pond water might help and it did!

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Acprkit said:
I was at the end of my rope with roots turning brown. After some reading about how the water can get out of whack with nutes and fungus, and how compost tea can help, I thought trying pond water might help and it did!
Gotta be a little careful about organics in hydro, but if you're already up against the wall, and losing hard, why not?