First Year Grow - Looking good

I didn't have time to do a glog this season...  Wish I did have.  But I'm posting some pics from my first successful season in containers.

I spent a lot of time trying to find the "perfect ultimate" container mix in the pre-season.  Well, at some point, I got tired of thinking about it, and just started putting stuff together.  I have a mix of purchased and built soils.  Everything from expensive coir based mixes, down to a mix of pine bark fines and mushroom compost.  The only common denominator, is strictly organic.  That includes top dressings and weekly feedings.
Here are a few of my results so far:
Purple Jalapeno. What a beautiful plant.


A double Wiri Wiri. Was a small seedling when I got it. Getting first fruits off of it now.


A nice little Fresno, grown from seed. It's barely 10" tall, and already a heavily laden bush! These pods are meaty!


Fatalii. One of three mature plants given to me. It was in bad shape when I got it. But I put it back on track. Do these things ever stop producing? I'm getting 8-10 pods every 3-4 days!!!


Carolina Reaper. Got it from a little tiny seedling. It sure did grow fast...

First fruits...


Close up of the first of the evil little bastards.


This will be a nice little 7 Pot Yellow, one day. Just starting to harden the little guy off under a tomato plant.

Very nice grow you've got going there! I absolutely love the flavor of purple jalapenos. They're rather mild compared to other jalapenos, and rather seedy, but (for me) the flavor makes up for those things. If you don't have any ripe ones yet, be patient until they attain full ripeness. They get more red than standard jalapenos, and are sweeter. I tend to pick and eat them on the spot while I'm tending to my plants, so they don't usually end up in any of my cooking.
And yes, fataliis are very heavy producers. I had 3 plants a couple years ago, and I still have dried pods from them.
solid7 said:
Close up of the first of the evil little bastards.


Thanks.  Now you going to come over here to clean my screen and keyboard?  I like the way you describe things.
And by the way, looking great.  Keep it up.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. Just got my wife and daughter a rabbit yesterday. So I seriously doubt that I'm ever going to be buying soil or fertilizer again. Between my leafmold bins, my worm boxes, and my combination worm/compost bins, I think I'm onto a very successful new hobby. I've had gardens all of my life, but I found gardening here in Florida very difficult when I moved here. Containers are a piece of cake, though!

I'm going to be experimenting with some rotten wood and dead fish in the near future. May post that. LOL
lucilanga said:
What is the cover on 7pot yellow for ? warmth ?
That's burlap, and it's to keep my top dressing from washing out. The top dress is a very thin layer at that stage of the plant's life, and the burlap just acts as a mulch, of sorts.

I plant seeds and/or seedlings into a soil mix top dressed with ground eggshell, rock dust, alfalfa meal, and earthworm castings. (in that order, from the planting mix, up) If I plant seeds directly into this system, they start life under another plant, like a tomato, where they get reduced sun. And they really take off... :)
Jamison said:
Damn good looking grow man,  and organic!  Two thumbs up from me!! :dance:
Many thanks. And by the way, I did take your recommendation for buying plants, and it didn't fail me. That's my datil in the picture with the wiri wiri. It's all that I got this time around, due to a huge influx of kindness (in the form of seeds) from several THP members.

Just put the datil into a bigger container today. I expect it to look great in a couple of weeks. Will post back with an update.