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First Year Pepper Family

Got all my peppers together for a group photo last night :)
Top right, and biggest is Savina, in front of it Trinidad Scorpion (I'm really hoping for some good peppers from this one).
Two yellow bhuts, one red bhut, and another Savina on the left in the bigger pots.
And in the middle some orphans I adopted from Lowes, red bell, habanero, and one other that escapes me at the moment.
why are people so hot on the superhots? I mean are they also really flavorful?
also really like that one on the top left, thats some mad spread of the leaves, looks strong.
Looking good! Next year you will have double, and then double that the next year, and so on and so on until your yard is maxed out. I now have 200 plants at home and have resorted to borrowing farm land for more!
kingduckling said:
why are people so hot on the superhots? I mean are they also really flavorful?
I went pretty hot on my first few grows.  Learned pretty rapidly along the way that I can don't need that much fire.  Still, some really prefer the supers - to each their own natch?
Nearly a decade in I've backed off and really only grow a super or two per year.  Dry and flake them to kick stuff up when needed.  A little goes a long way.  As mlittle is about to find out.  :)
Looks good but if you just potted them in the bigger pots get prepared for blossom drop. It's nothing bad but can really get frustrating since all you want are some dang pods
kingduckling said:
why are people so hot on the superhots? I mean are they also really flavorful?
also really like that one on the top left, thats some mad spread of the leaves, looks strong.
i personally love spicy food...and by spicy I mean dripping sweat as I eat it. I'm big on making sauces and all that and pickling is always fun and yummy. For the most part I don't find a lot of stuff hot so I'm forced to find my own stuff plus this way I can create what I want in profile
kingduckling said:
why are people so hot on the superhots? I mean are they also really flavorful?
also really like that one on the top left, thats some mad spread of the leaves, looks strong.
Superhots do have a very unique flavor under all that heat.  If you cut out the seeds and placenta, you can use more before what you are making gets too hot.  It really helps to bring out the flavor under all that heat.  Each pepper is different, but there is something kin to each that I do not know what to call.  Its not there at all with sweet peppers and it isn't always there with things like jalapeno. 

But I don't think what you are observing is a wide sampling.  The forum is called the Hot Pepper, so there is a clear bias.  There is one called Gardening Web or something like that which has a much broader readership.  Supper Hots are discussed there, but not nearly to the extent they are here.
Looking awesome.  I hope that you get bountiful harvests for your first year.  Then you'll be hooked and have to join the Pepper Anonymous club.  ...  ... ... Wait, wait I think that you are already here!!