First Yellow Leaf to appear on Ghost

I have been growing this plant for months and have never had one yellow leaf appear:

Until now when I gave the plant some compost tea a couple of days ago with reverse osmosis water:

The funny thing is that this is the only yellow leaf on the entire plant.  Any ideas as to what is happening?
Your plant "appears" healthy...Remember that leaves do naturally turn yellow as they mature, age and prepare to fall off. An occasional yellowing of leaves is nothing to be concerned about. If you do notice your plants leaves yellowing rapidly and en masse then I would worry.
Give your plants the "once over" look under the leaves for s&s of bugs etc,use a mirror as they like to hide on  the backside.
I don't know how large a container that is,if anything maybe an upgrade to the next size?
Otherwise don't loose any sleep over it.Happy Growing. ;)
wiriwiri said:
Your plant "appears" healthy...Remember that leaves do naturally turn yellow as they mature, age and prepare to fall off. An occasional yellowing of leaves is nothing to be concerned about. If you do notice your plants leaves yellowing rapidly and en masse then I would worry.
Give your plants the "once over" look under the leaves for s&s of bugs etc,use a mirror as they like to hide on  the backside.
I don't know how large a container that is,if anything maybe an upgrade to the next size?
Otherwise don't loose any sleep over it.Happy Growing. ;)

Yes, this plant has been healthy from day 1.  The container is a 5 gallon smart pot.  Not losing any sleep and am very pleased with how this plant has turned out since it is my first attempt at growing a super hot.  This is grown all organic and it has made a believer out of me when it comes to using organic fertilizers rather than synthetic.
Totally normal all leaves only last for so long. You will begin to notice that more and more leaves will turn yellow and drop off. If you keep your plant out over winter in a region that gets cold the whole plant may go yellow and growth will grind to a halt. Wait for it to warm up again and after a hard prune it will come back nice and green.