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fish emulsions

light dose with every change will only enhance the oxygen available.
You are right if used and kept up the PPM. By dose every couple of days. Used to break down OLD tap and dead roots.

I have been using it for years in my hydro. I use it help control the root environment. Different saturation (PPM) will do different things.
I get varied results when using air stones and different nutes & H2o2. Sometimes H2o2 can easily saturate but in some cases it will evap really quick. And have to dose everyday.
But for me I use it to help the system to REFRESH its microbe count. About once every three weeks or change of reservoirs. LOL
to clean the system internally ! Killing all and replacing with RHIZO`s ! I do how ever use it heavily toward the end of a plant cycle.
i've always wanted to made a small hydro system for some nice plants, like a DWC bucket or something would work for me, ah well maybe soon. but the plants seem to be loving the fish emulsions, its bringing some nice color back into the ones that were looking flush
It is EASIER than you think.
A simple closet setup with CFL or a 400w MH is cheap and effective.
And use a Hand watering system to keep it cheap.