Fish Pepper

I found them very productive and easy to grow, I just wasn't impressed with the looks or the flavor. There are better variagated chiles in my opinion, like the purple flash
I have grown these for 2 seasons and they were fun to grow and look at, but I am not growing them any more. They taste fine, are sometimes Serrano hot, but not that productive. The pods would turn all colors from green, to cream, to yellow, to orange, and finally to red. They always had purple stripes. There could be many colors and stripes on each pod. That part was very cool.
I find the ripe pods to have an interesting flavor. Sweet, with a slight fennel or licorice taste or something. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I like it.
Definitely a weird looking plant. I was eating the peppers from mine when they were green/white last year until my plant died...didn't even know they would turn red until just now.
My fish plant only have green leaves, now im thinking if it is even fish :/

Just had my first fish of the year. It was a pretty nice rip. Hotter than any of my jalapenos this year by a long shot, and most serranos. Very pleasant heat and a little flavor, but nothing overwhelming.

Certainly not a bad pepper, though. Plenty hot, with enough flavor. I may do them again.
I have the Fish this year for the first time. I really find the plant atractive and like the variegation. There is some foliage however became almost completely white and these foliars seemed to be more weak than the others of the plant. Had a late start of it because of an fungus in all my plants end february/the beginning of march. After that I had to resowe almost every variety. My plant hasn't flower yet because of that.
My fish plant only have green leaves, now im thinking if it is even fish :/


I'm growing fish this year and mine is all green as well. I've never grown these before, so I guess we'll see what happens when peppers show up. I bought the plant very young from a local nursery, none of the fish pepper plants had the variegated leaves.
I'm growing fish this year and mine is all green as well. I've never grown these before, so I guess we'll see what happens when peppers show up. I bought the plant very young from a local nursery, none of the fish pepper plants had the variegated leaves.

i have notice since i have grown it 3 times now that the ones with the green leaves end up being crosses, this is one pepper that crosses easily with what ever it is closest to it. I also have noticed that the pure one even the 2 i have this season are displaying that kinda sickly look, but not the crosess they banged out the peppers like crazy i was giving them away to anyone that wanted them

i had 4 plants growing in the 2010 season and 2 of the 4 were crosses, i got the seeds originally from a friend so they must have crossed when he had them

i actually saved seeds from both the pure and the cross i have 2 pure one this year that have yet to even flower
the cross had larger peppers almost "Anahiem-like" in appearance, what ever it was crossed with it wasnt a bad mix

thanks your friend Joe