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Flavor Profiles

Ok guys, so I have done some research, and i'm kind of confused. Is there a thread anywhere that describes the flavor profiles for all of the different hot peppers?

Also, I am about to place an order at chileplants.com for two Bhut Jolokia, 2 Trinidad Scorpion, 1 Datil Sweet, and some tomatoe plants. I keep seeing this talk about the 7 pot and the 7 pot Brain Strain. I was looking for that pepper on there but I couldn't find it. Am I missing something or is it not there?
Ryan, I asked a similar question about the flavors associated with peppers and got the response that there is no concise listing of the flavors. This is due to different people with different taste buds. At least those were the responses to my inquiry. As far as the 7 pot strains go: they are fairly new and unknown to many and therefore only available by seed swaps from those that are already growing them or for purchase from a select few.
The Datil does have a sweet flavor, but is far from being classified as a "sweet" pepper. There's plenty of heat in those small pods. ;)

As far as flavor profiles go; you ask 10 different people to rate a pepper for flavor and you'll get several different answers. Also, how a particular variety of pepper was raised will be a major factor in how the pepper tastes and will effect the capsaicin content/heat level as well.
I think he's talking about the Datil sweet, not the regular datil;)
In my opinion a pepper's color greatly affects the flavor ie. yellow chinenses often have a citrus flavor
Ahh, looked at their pic and it doesn't look like a Datil either. It seems like there are more and more new pepper names every year. :)
The datil sweet has been around for quite a while but I've never heard of it being very datil like, they aren't even yellow:(
Neil from thehippyseedco seems to have a fairly decent description of pepper flavors along with their heat (search youtube). He's tried SOOOOOO many different kinds too. But yea, they all taste a little different to each of us.
Blister said:
Neil from thehippyseedco seems to have a fairly decent description of pepper flavors along with their heat (search youtube). He's tried SOOOOOO many different kinds too. But yea, they all taste a little different to each of us.

Best pepper reviews anywhere for heat and flavor, although lately I wouldn't trust his heat rating, Neil has transcended normal human tolerances and now merely sweats when eating peppers that can kill an elephant at 50 meters.
Actually I did hear of datil red before but I just never thought of them as real datils. I believe the heirloom variety grown in St Augustine for hundreds of years is the only real datil
Thanks for the replies guys. I was talking about the Datil Sweet peppers. So the only way to really get an idea of what the pepper tastes like (except to watch Neil's video) is to just start tasting the peppers myself? I better get crackin'.....
Neil's videos are a great resource but as said previously each person seems to react different to the heat and flavors of different peppers. To answer your other question, the 7 pot/pod seeds are not widely available. I think the only place to find the brain strain is on this forum since it was a strain isolated by PRF who is a member here.