seeds-germination Floating seeds

First off, i know i should just be patient and i am planning to leave the seeds be for quite a while before giving up on them (especially since pam said her chacoense took a long time). I guess i'm wondering how high i should let my expectations get...
I've heard a bunch of times that seeds that float are the non-viable ones, and i got one pack of all floaters which coincedentally haven't germinated yet.
So what do you guys think, old wives tale or useful means of determining viability?
thank you so much everybody my hopes are sufficiently high now. Although if they don't sprout you all will have to listen to me cry about it here...
These are C. chacoense that i got from peppermania, but they didn't specify a variety so it'll still be a little suprise.
Lol, I am sorry Rainbowberry, I read your posts and then look at your picture and you look sooooooooooo serious!! Lol, I am not trying to give you a hard time, it just makes me imagine all of your posts being in a serious, almost angry tone. A good question though!

I have forgotten about pepper seed before , they took so long to sprout. But long after I stopped looking I stumble upon them 2 months later and find that some have sprouted.I have also found (and I have read it elsewhere) that peat based soil slows germination.
we're at day 19, twice as long as the slowest chinense i did and tomorrow will be twice as long as the chiltepins took. I'm now determined to just leave it there until i get some sign that they've rotted (but a sprout would be much preffered...).
Ha ha, is pouting better? (new pic) I am the most unserious person ever! :) I know what you mean about just leaving the seeds and ignoring them. I did it with one of my Naga Morich, I gave up on it and the little darling sprouted.
Hey cheesy, the bad info about peat slowing germination likely originated from Redwood city seeds where they say NEVER USE PEAT FOR GROWING PEPPERS!!
Peat on its own isn't great but in a proper mix it is perfect. The problem is that it isn't renewable and its being overharvested because of people like me.:)
Grumpy what solution did you soak them in?

I've had seeds take for what seems like forever almost twice as long... I acutally moved right along and planted other things a had forgotten them and they sprouted I believe it was Orange Habs that did this.
Hey cheesy, the bad info about peat slowing germination likely originated from Redwood city seeds where they say NEVER USE PEAT FOR GROWING PEPPERS!!
Peat on its own isn't great but in a proper mix it is perfect. The problem is that it isn't renewable and its being overharvested because of people like me.:)

y'know i always wondered about that because i heard it repeated so many times but i never heard why. another old wives tale.. well, i don't know how old that is, old enough i guess.
Much better RainbowBerry! lol.

Maybe it is the power of suggestion Potowie, I had read that before. But last year I used no peat and the peppers seemed to sprout so much faster.

Also I left the seeds in the relatively cold basement last year and they still sprouted faster! Maybe they were better seeds.
Grumpybear, you can try letting the seeds dry out completely then rewetting them. Some growers report success with this method on stubborn seeds.
ok FOUR sprouted today, it's like those little buggers were just waiting for me to get frustrated and reveal to you all how utterly impatient i am before sprouting. devious little seeds. regardless, floating seed myth totally debunked.
Grumpybear, you can try letting the seeds dry out completely then rewetting them. Some growers report success with this method on stubborn seeds.
I think that's half of my problem, I make my soil too moist so the seeds end up kind of rotting, so of course when I've just left them alone without watering anymore that's why they've germinated.