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water Florida summer watering plans.

I've been watering about once every three days for the past months, but I think it's looking like the plants could almost go for being watered twice every three days or so right now. Are most of the Florida folks watering daily during these months (during the dry periods, of course)? ...

I realize how generalized this is, with quantity per watering variability and different soil compositions etc, but ...

I definitely notice a drop-off in pod formation these past two weeks, which I read is how it works when the temps are beyond 90F or so ...

Are there supplements I should be looking at to help the plants cope better w/ high temps?

I don't mind reading for myself if anyone's got some good links to share w/ me =)
I water daily when it doesn't rain and sometimes I water at night even after it has rained. My garden drains and dries really fast.
I think it likely depends on your garden...

Someone posted the WWW rule for watering your garden: Wait till it Wilts to Water.

Its a pretty good rule of thumb I think.

My plants are still trying to dry out from 8 solid days of rain. Several are quite yellow... Hoping they pull out of it.

Bear in mind too MWM that here in FL, when it rains, it reallllly rains. Especially now as the rainy season ramps up.

I've gotten just shy of 6 inches of rain in the last two weeks!
I think it likely depends on your garden...

Someone posted the WWW rule for watering your garden: Wait till it Wilts to Water.

Its a pretty good rule of thumb I think.

My plants are still trying to dry out from 8 solid days of rain. Several are quite yellow... Hoping they pull out of it.

Bear in mind too MWM that here in FL, when it rains, it reallllly rains. Especially now as the rainy season ramps up.

I've gotten just shy of 6 inches of rain in the last two weeks!
I concur its rained 5 of the last 8 days, JS on your location where the hell is costal central Florida? or did you mean coastal?
unlike a lot of the rest of the growers, I water a little bit (like 8-10 ounces) three times a day , every day....I just posted in another thread that I like to keep the moisture level for the rootball at a consistent level....but unless you have a drip system, it is kind of not practical to do depending on the number of plants you raise...
Thanks for the input everyone ...

Plants seem to be responding to a little more water than they were getting. I was doing well w/ light watering a la AJ twice daily and only soaking them like once a week or so, waiting for them to show wilt beforehand by skipping a few waterings. This 90F+ stretch w/o rain is pretty harsh though, and my medium drains quickly, so it seems they need daily watering at least until the showers return.
Another thing about growing here in FL, if you go out after noon, and see them wilted, that may or may not be an indicator that they need water. The FL heat is hot, and that by itself can make them wilt. Best to check in the morning I think.

I haven't watered since the last time it rained, and things are still looking a little rough (IE over-watered)... I should take some pictures.

yeah - should be COASTAL.

I put Coastal central Florida because I'm really just beyond the outskirts of the Tampa Bay area... Technically I'm on the "nature coast" which was a stupid idea... Lets draw tourists by not developing anything. No beaches, no coastal resorts, no parks in the undeveloped areas... Oh and its water management district lands, so keep out.

I suppose Tampa Bay Area is accurate enough.

I promise unless by some chance you've driven through or live near, no one has ever heard of Hudson haha
Wow! Didn't realize you were so close... LOL...

I'm about 5 minutes south of you... on the water side of 19 near the HomeDepot... LOL

As far as watering, I've been doing a lot of hand-watering when I have the time, as each plant (even with the same medium, same type plant, same approximate size etc) sips it up at its own pace. When I don't have the time to do it by hand, I try to wait until the majority are showing signs of thirst, then break out the hose.

It's been usually every other day, and occassionally every day (other than the days of major rain).
*chuckle* yeah, I was just at Home Depot today.

That is pretty close :) Cool to know that there are other chiliheads up in this neck of the woods.
google weather says 96 for me... only 68% humidity. We had some grey clouds, but no rain at my place.

what part of florida are you from? Seems like Orlando ish?
I don't water everyday...........

I let the peppers decide. I like to underwater because I think it promotes good root structure.

The peppers seem to like less water than more..........

My opinion.
Finally, it rained. Seems everyone else in Florida has been getting it and we've just been getting threatened by it. My plants seem to really respond well to when their water comes in the form of rain =)
I'm ready for the rain to stop...

I've lost 6 plants that were in the ground, and I have some seriously yellow plants (closest to the sprinklers).

No more rain! No more rain! No more Rain! (for maybe a week).

They are in a funk, and need some sunshine for a while to pull out of it...

ah yeah, you are a good bit south of me then. I think I have been through that town though, once.
I try to water daily, but with all the rain we've been getting I have been just trying to let everything dry out a little bit. I think I watered for the first time in about two weeks today because of all the rain lately.