Flowers all died

Hello all.
I have a few chilli plants growing at the moment & they are all growing really well except the Serrano. Most of the leaves are turning yellow and all the flowers and even buds have died and gone crispy brown. Every singe one. I no longer have a single flower. All the current pods are growing and ripening well though.
Any ideas??
It must be starting to get cool over there now JAH. They seem to die back a lot during the off season.

The serranos here took a year to really get going & they're still testy.
Bent is correct, what have the nightime temps been in your area? Some peppers don't tolerate cool temps at all.
It's in a Hot house but I suppose it's very true that the nights now are getting cooler. Owell, can you over winter Serranos??
JAHaworth said:
It's in a Hot house but I suppose it's very true that the nights now are getting cooler. Owell, can you over winter Serranos??

It's not impossible. ;)I have some pepper plants 2 and 3 years old, but they always carry bugs in.
When anyone asks if it's worth it, I always say yes. You get fruit much earlier or continuously till it starts to cool down again.
Hmm, all my plants are still going strong. No yellowing, even the young ones are still flowing / setting fruit. got a picture of the serrano?
I have been having a huge problem with thrips on the smaller plants, spraying about once a week... get a 10x magnifying glass and check the bottom of the leaves, you'll see small white dots walking around the show.
I think every one suffers flower drop to some degree and I had it really bad last year, like confetti all over the carpet. My problem was being too keen with the watering can which I could do something about, but the main problem like others have said was the temperature which is harder to control. I feel people encourage me to water my plants though, nearly everyone who sees them and dosen't grow chillis themselves says "They look a bit dry, don't you need to water them?" They are the people who don't look after them when I go away.
growing fruit is stressful, the plants just know how much they can handle (plants are smart...) when i'd overwinter my hab i'd still get pods but a lot less and at the same time i'd also see the 'flower confetti'
conditions aren't ideal or maybe the plant is just tired ;)...
I think I may have it an a terrible pot. I think it's become root bound. I'll try and over winter it and I'll repot it at the same time.

Thanks all for your advice.