Fluffy Bunny DONE!

I guess all the "cool" peeps got double numbers. I got 22 :) who's got 11? I'm definitely lost as to any hidden meaning. I thought 1:09 was a bit weird. Lemme think...
Anyone doing the extra donation for the 3rd bottle, please let me know right away!  I'm packing bottles tomorrow.  I do not have access to who has donated.  That is a separate organization.  Thanks!
sorry~~~~ not 9-11 or 911
more like June 6th = 6/9 and
1:09am is how many minutes past midnight?
And most won't "get" this one until they get their sauces, but how "offensive" is a little garlic breath?
The last one is----all the bottles are "signed" . . . . . . . . . . .
as in...."peace sign"....... :rolleyes:   I know...  corny~~~~
JayT- 12 is sold.  Numbers are up in the 30's now. 
 bottles are "signed and numbered..."   It's a classic thing for collector sauces.... ;)
JAYT- get #21 and look at it in a mirror!  :rofl:
Thanks, Pex!  It's for such a great cause.  I'm "in the weeds right now" to use a culinary term.  :lol:  Will get to the replies and feedbacks in a couple days. 
Thanks, Hophead.   I made some changes to allow international shipping.  It's an additional $18, but there have been 3-4 people who have ordered.  I think I mentioned to you that if you have someone in the US who could take it across the border into Canada, or they could hold it until you come down, it could be shipped to them. 
I've got to donate an extra 5... Dia Atton has already gone through half the bottle he got on Saturday. .-. Geeze.

Thanks though for this, I love this cause and I'm so glad Andrei's art worked so well and looks wonderful on the bottle. :D 
The artwork is great, and I think the labels turned out pretty good, considering I'm not an artist.  :lol:
I got your PM's Kozi.  :welcome: to THP!