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Flying purple people eater???

My coworker brought these into me. Apparantly they were just growing in his yard when he moved in. Says the leaves are smallish and green. Been bugging him about a picture of the plant and flowers for a couple weeks, prolly not gunna happen. I'm trying germinate some right now.
The heat is about as much as a Serrano, hits you immediately than disapates quickly. Flavor is not bad, also reminds me of a thin skinned Serrano. Any ideas?
Do you know whether the pods started off different colour? And whether they went red after purple if the pods werent harveste?
Sort of looks like NuMex Twilight before it's final ripening colour.
Here is a pic of one of my ornamental NuMex Twilights from last season - the red pods are ripe, purple are half way in between: