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foliar sprays?

When using multiple sprays(neem, Epsom salts, cal/mag, seaweed, etc.), what kind of schedule does one use? Do you use a different spray every day, make a super tonic and use that once a week? How do you keep from stressing the plants too much?
Make a super tonic but dilute it to half or even a third or fourth of what you would normally use and use it often. When I plant out I epsom salt/nutrient spray every single night to make sure there is no shock from going into the garden. But only use the neem as you have to to kill pest.
Sorry, but please count me in. What is super-tonic, whats in there. Otherwords, what is it, and how to make it.

I always rotate my sprays for full effect. You never know how different products will react with each other
I've been foliar feeding my plants exclusively for the last 2 years. I only foliar feed them GH ferts, and worm tea. The GH ferts where designed for foliar feeding in hydro and tea is organic so I know they are ok. In addition to GH ferts I do use nitrozime, along with liquid light, and saturater to help them intake more nutes faster.

I would suggest just feeding them things like cal/mag, espsom salts through the soil as there really isn't a specific need to get them those nutes right away and you never know if they will hurt the plant or not. Since they really don't need to intake those nutes right away it's not a big deal if you don't foliar feed them those.

As far as a schedule I just rotate between the ferts and worm tea every other week. I only give them things like cal/mag and Epsom salts when I see that they actually need them.