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media For those using Jiffy, or other, Peat Pellets ...

Of course, seeds need three things to develop typically - heat, moisture, and oxygen.

Could packing the peat too tightly in a peat pellet be a cause of slow germination due to lack of oxygen? Should the seed be pressed into the soil and peat packed on top, or should it just be lying there and some peat gently layed on top of it? Or does it not matter.

I wonder if my incredibly slow germination is due to lack of oxygen.
I start all of my peppers, tomatoes, and most brassicas in jiffy 7's. The only time I really notice very slow germination is when I use "old" ones. I haven't figured out exactly why it is yet, but I do pull the clear plastic lids off the trays twice a day and let them air out. Since I started buying just the pellets by the case I haven't had any problems. The one Jiffy tray kit I picked up this year from Lowes ended up having awful germination rates. I could tell the pellets were old because they took more than 2 minutes to expand, the ones that came in the case of 1700 took about 90 seconds to fully expand and have had around 95% germination rate across the spectrum of plants I have started.
Have always used regular potting soil with good success a friend gave me some miracle grow seed starter, it seems to work well, I took some strait peat from a bail, it also worked well.
Not sure if you are letting your pellets get air. If not, make sure they are getting a decent amount of air.
When putting seeds in, I usually just make a little indention in the soil, put 2-3 seeds in it, then lay a tiny bit of peat to JUST cover the seeds, and gently pat it down. Other than that, I make sure ambient temps are around 86, and let 'em do their thing. Whether it's pellets or soil, I have never had seeds take any longer than 8 days to germinate. Let me rephrase that....any seeds that actually germinate have never taken longer than 8 days. lol
I wish I could recall what I did last year differently, when I had every pepper pellet germinate in 9 days or less.  This year has been horrible.
On a related note, when I plant the seedlings that are started in the jiffy's, do I plant the whole thing or do I need to remove the netting fromt he pellet?
I get hit and miss with them, usally most of my seeds germinate, and all i do is put th jiff pellet in the sink, fill it with water come back 10-15 or when i finally remember i put in there and drain it the water from the sing. I than squees the pellet lightly to make sure all the excess water is out as they do get water logged. THan i just get a toothpick, fluff the top drop some seeds cover about 1/8" and and put in my humdmity dome.

Every day i open the dome and let the old stagnate air out and replace with fresh air (or i crack the 2 tops quarter way, or one top half way also) and add water to keep the humdity up.
My last case i di this was for 20 brainstrain (bad luck with those, but think it may be bad seeds) 20 butch t's, 18 of 20 germinated, and 18 tomatoes, 17 of the 18. and some had 2-3 seeds and they all sprouted.

I have notice the key not to let them dry out, or over wetting them i think.

also i have put a towel over my dome also, to keep it dar for the frist 3-4 days ntil i see the first one to sprouted. Reading out people use papper towel method, that method, but i tend to do it the way nature is, seed in ground, and let it do its things.

On a related note, when I plant the seedlings that are started in the jiffy's, do I plant the whole thing or do I need to remove the netting fromt he pellet?

You can do either or, the netting will eventually rot, and the roots will tear it also. So its your choice.

the last round, i took the sproutes, removed the netting and some of the peat and moved over to a solo cup, works pretty good, but some were to small and they shrived up, but so far so good.

So in a nut shell, what ever makes you feel best, but you can grow it with the netting still on, as it will not hurt nothing. I will say this though. What eve ryou do, i tend to barey the new sprouted up the first set of leaves, any of the stake you stick unde the dirt level, will root and help with even more roots.
Ive just started with Jiffy pellets for the first time (500 of them in one go) i just gave them all a good soak & they grew in size.
Then i just put one seed on each & let them go, the easy seeds sprouted fine but the super hots have shown no sign of life yet.


This was last week, there are twice as many & double the size, i don't cover them just spray once a week (very lightly).
And when your ready & happy with the seedling just put the whole thing in your potting mix, no need to remove the bag.
