Forum lurker...

I received an email stating that my account will be deleted if I don't post, so here I am.  :scared:
I peruse grow logs quite a bit, and have found some great peppers from discussions here over the years. I dehydrate most of my non-sweet peppers for flakes and powder, but I plan to make lots hot sauce this year.
This year's grow list, not including some habanero varieties I will buy locally as seedlings:
-Doe Hill
-Paradicsom Alaku Saga Szentes
-Antohi Romanian
-Aji Amarillo
-Aji Chinchi Amarillo
-Tams Mild Jalapeno
-Joe's Long Cayenne
-Thai red
-Trinidad Perfume
-Datil Sweet
Thanks everyone!
Here's a shot of an Aji Amarillo I grew last summer. If it attaches...

This was mid-July. By October some of them had begun to get some orange coloration, but they have yet to full ripen here in zone 7B/8A. I started seeds 8 weeks before the last average frost this year, but that still might not be a long enough season. So I purchased some Aji Chinchi Amarillo seeds as well. Hopefully, they taste as good and get fully ripe due to their smaller size.